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Sticky Ginger Gem recipe pls


Was at a cafe today they had the nicest Ginger Gem , how to describe it... was sticky and very moist would love a recipe like that please. Have made them before but these were sooo good, the recipes I have made dont turn out sticky like the cafes one. Any recipe that is like that one would be greatly appreciated, many thanks

dealz4all - 2020-02-07 21:48:00

Its the golden syrup that makes them nice and sticky. What is the amount of golden syrup that you have in your recipe?

malcovy - 2020-02-08 08:46:00

Hi Malcovy recipe calls for 1/2 cup of golden syrup

dealz4all - 2020-02-08 18:20:00

Okay there goes my theory. My recipe calls for 2 household tablespoons of golden syrup. Does your recipe make the standard sized gem iron?

malcovy - 2020-02-09 07:20:00

Hi Malcovy yes it does

dealz4all - 2020-02-09 08:05:00

When making gingerbread with a good amount of golden syrup, the gingerbread is always better the next day if its kept in a plastic bag. I am guessing you know this though. Actually I am surprised a cafe made ginger gems as it is such an old fashioned wonderful delight that people are shying away from. I much prefer the older style of baking.

malcovy - 2020-02-09 08:24:00

Could they have been gingerbread cooked in irons do you think?

malcovy - 2020-02-09 10:44:00

Good idea Malcovy about the plastic bag i will try that. And yes I did wonder about using a gingerbread loaf recipe in my ginger gem irons and see if that makes a difference.It is great to see old recipes in a cafe. I love old recipes :)

dealz4all - 2020-02-09 21:58:00

Still looking for a recipe for this please before recipes closes, have a great day everyone :)

dealz4all - 2020-02-20 08:38:00
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