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Jam Making Help Please


I made a double mixture of plum jam last night. But halfway through I realised I usually do 2 separate batches. but I left it as is.
When it was ready to be poured into jars, I ran out of jars.
i left the pot off the heat for half an hour while I sterilized more jars in the oven. When jars were nearly ready I reheated remaining jam, not even to boiling point.
Poured jam into the jars. And all was good... haha
This morning I see that the first lot of jam hasn't set, but the last jars have set perfectly .
Can I just empty unset jams back into pot and reboil it for a few minutes?
And I am guessing I will have to wash and sterilize the jars and lids.
Any help appreciated. But I dont want to be adding other ingredients to it

shione - 2020-01-23 10:48:00

You can either reheat the unset jam in a pot, and re sterilize the jars or reheat each jar of jam separately in the microwave until hot and reseal with cleaned lids.

articferrit - 2020-01-23 10:54:00

Thank you articferrit. Used the microwave method. Still wasnt setting then I realized where I had them was too hot. Moved them and they set perfectly:)

shione - 2020-01-25 14:48:00


articferrit - 2020-01-25 15:43:00
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