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Left over ham recipes


Our ham is coming to an end but still have lots would like a few different recipes that I could freeze, I have some mini pastry pies, but any other would be appreciated. TIA

Edited by kiwiscrapper1 at 9:22 am, Fri 17 Jan

kiwiscrapper1 - 2020-01-17 09:22:00

Ham freezes well, so how about freezing some as slices, for use as is, or in sandwiches etc., later, when you feel like eating it again. The last odds and ends can be chopped, packed in suitable quantities in ziplock bags and frozen to use later in quiches, pizzas, ham and egg pie, in scones, (either as part of a filling for scrolls or in ham, cheese and onion scones), etc., etc. You can add it to cauliflower or broccoli cheese or to pasta dishes or use it as a filling for an omelette on its own or with cheese, or veges like tomatoes or mushrooms.
A bit of leftover ham in the freezer is always handy to have when there's not much else in the cupboard. It can add a luxurious touch to basic meals if you use it imaginatively.

punkinthefirst - 2020-01-17 09:53:00

If it was on the bone, boil the bone up for winter ham and pea soup.

jan2242 - 2020-01-18 07:26:00

Thanks I usually always freeze the bone for winter, wasnt sure about the ham but good idea to chop up for quiches or pizza’s etc

kiwiscrapper1 - 2020-01-18 19:21:00

Sandwiches or pea and ham soup.

megan109 - 2020-01-18 21:18:00

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megan109 - 2020-01-18 21:19:00

Ham and egg pie Google Nikki Wicks recipes

rainrain1 - 2020-01-19 07:26:00

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boopsyboo - 2020-01-19 08:56:00
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