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Australian meal


I have been challenged this year to cook a meal to match each Formula One venue.. So ,on March 15, I have to serve an Australian meal.
I will be avoiding pavlova for obvious reasons ( It's Kiwi, not Aussie)
Any suggestions ?
I'll probably be back later in the year.... any ideas for Aberbaijan? ( 7 June)

janeny1 - 2020-01-14 19:41:00

Vegemite on toast? Prawns on the barbie? Trouble is there’s a huge crossover with Australian and New Zealand food it’s hard to separate them. Azerbaijan might actually be easier.

sarahb5 - 2020-01-14 19:52:00

Kangaroo steaks?
Water Buffalo steaks?
Hmmmm...Crocodile BBQ!

Edited by gettinggrey at 8:12 pm, Tue 14 Jan

gettinggrey - 2020-01-14 20:10:00

Aussie Pie.

petal1955 - 2020-01-14 21:04:00
petal1955 wrote:

Aussie Pie.

I don’t know if you’re allowed to put Aussie’s in pies are you?

sarahb5 - 2020-01-14 21:51:00

Do you know what is very popular in Australia and is on very Aussie menu. Chicken parmigiana. I call it chicken that has been barfed on as it does not appeal to me. Other thing would be BBQ with seafood. Burramandi is an Australian fish and so in cherry ripe bars. Make a damper which is very tradtional. Can look up recipes on line. Billy tea. Unsure you will find Australian bush spices to spice up your meat. Vegemite and timtams are Australian on google along with meat pie (beef pie), lamingtons and anzac biscuits.

Edited by marcs at 1:18 am, Wed 15 Jan

marcs - 2020-01-15 01:11:00

Aussie prawns

buzzy110 - 2020-01-15 14:15:00

What a cool idea.
I'd definitely be going with a BBQ style - prawns and sausages.
Lamingtons for desert

diamondgirl06 - 2020-01-15 15:49:00

Horrible pie and some fourex...

sifty - 2020-01-15 16:10:00

Thanks everyone, will probably make a beef and beer casserole, to use as a pie filling with lamingtons to follow.

janeny1 - 2020-01-15 16:54:00

Try a google for recipe using cherry ripe chocolate bars -
1924 Cherry Ripe Bar
The Cherry Ripe bar was introduced in 1924 by MacRobertson Chocolates (later to be taken over by Cadbury in 1967) and is uniquely Australian. It's a combination of cherries, coconut and dark chocolate and is Australia's oldest chocolate bar.

bishra - 2020-01-17 22:27:00

petal1955 wrote:
Aussie Pie.

I don’t know if you’re allowed to put Aussie’s in pies are you?

Well if you cook them long and slow they wont be tough !!!!!
sarahb5 (1733 ) 9:51 pm, Tue 14 Jan #5

Edited by petal1955 at 10:30 pm, Fri 17 Jan

petal1955 - 2020-01-17 22:30:00
janeny1 wrote:

I will be avoiding pavlova for obvious reasons ( It's Kiwi, not Aussie)
Any suggestions ?

very sensible to avoid pav!
Instead, perhaps consider making this traditional Ocker dessert?

Meringue Cream Gateau.

3 egg whites,
1 cup sifted granulated sugar,
1 teaspoon vinegar,
few grains salt,
1 teaspoon vanilla.
Beat egg whites until stiff, add sugar, 1 tablespoon at a time, then add vinegar, salt and vanilla, beating constantly. Cover the bottom of a round tin with two layers of wet paper. Pour in the mixture and bake in a very slow oven about 45 minutes or a little longer. Decorate the top with preserved fruit and whipped cream.

dtpapa - 2020-01-18 07:33:00

Butcher Bob from Iron Knob was known throughout the land

for cooking food that tasted good, with produce fresh at hand

Now, Bob he strove to get his stove to turn out something new

He’d not prepare the common fare the common townsfolk knew

From out the back was heard a quack, a gobble and some clucking

a chop or three, then glory be, a mess of feather plucking

It seemed absurd, he stuffed each bird into its larger cousin

and finally, he sang with glee as he shoved it in the oven.

With carving knife, he and his wife had settled down to tuck in

to Sunday treat, this three-way meat, he invented roast turducken

‘Next week, my dear, my next idea…the roast I will be making…

roast beef, pig too, and kangaroo…my kanga-beefy-bacon.’

© Allan Cropper

rainrain1 - 2020-01-18 07:54:00

How to Talk Australians - Episode 2: ‘GRUB’ Look this up on youtube and follow it to the letter.It also shows you how to make lambingtons.When she serves "coon" if you don't know, it's a cheese brand in Aussie.

blueviking - 2020-01-19 08:55:00
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