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Can I half a crockpot pav?


Recipes are for egg whites
How successful do ya reckon it will work with 3?
And how might I need to tweak cook time?

pheonix4 - 2020-01-04 15:27:00

ooops … 6 egg whites
have gone with 3
reckon im due to check around 6ish
… and I ran out of caster sugar so substituted with soft brown

hard resisting the urge to peek

pheonix4 - 2020-01-04 17:36:00

Brown sugar will totally change it to something that isn't a pavlova. But you might have invented a new great tasting recipe?

Edited by jan2242 at 11:51 am, Sun 5 Jan

jan2242 - 2020-01-05 11:50:00

Chewy caramel flavoured pavlova? Let us know. Never knew you could cook it in a crockpot. I only use 2 egg whites when cooking a large Pavlova.

viking60 - 2020-01-05 12:16:00

it turned out fine
yes with the brown sugar it was 'caramelly'
not chewy last night … a little more so this morning (but for us that's a plus)

can you ping the recipe for a 2 egg white pav please

pheonix4 - 2020-01-05 15:09:00

So pleased it turned out well. I can imagine it tasted great.

jan2242 - 2020-01-06 08:02:00

The member deleted this message.

viking60 - 2020-01-06 09:23:00

Deleted due to a visitor at door.
For large pav which is crispy on top, marshmallowy in middle and crisp on bottom.

2 egg whites
2 small cup white sugar
2tsp. vinegar
2 tsp vanilla
2tsp baking powder
2 desert sp cornflour
4 tblsp boiling water
Beat egg whites with vinegar, vanilla & sugar till quite thick then add boiling water and beat until very thick (can make peaks with it). Gently beat in Baking powder & cornflour (having sieved)

Spread out about size of dinner plate on baking tray using non stick tinfoil or baking paper.
Bake middle of oven (not fan) at 130deg for one hour. Leave in oven until cool.
I sometimes cook it in the evening for next day and leave in oven all night to cool.

Halve recipe if you want a smaller pav and cook same as 2 egg white recipe. Edited to add - don't worry if it cracks on top, it's meant to, lol.

Edited by viking60 at 9:49 am, Mon 6 Jan

viking60 - 2020-01-06 09:38:00

will give that a go next time

pheonix4 - 2020-01-07 19:46:00
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