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Help with recipe comparison


I posted this recipe for Purini/Puteni. I called it Burnt Sugar Cake as an explanation in English I suppose. It was a pacific Island forum. I had this guy (did not look like he was from the Pacific) telling me that it is plum duff recipe made to suit Island style. When I looked up recipe for Plum Duff on line I am not finding the recipes similar at all. The only similarity I see is that it is steamed and the standard flour, butter, sugar (but sugar is caramalized). Is someone able to explain because it has left me scratching my head from this know it all that is being rude. Recipe posted below. I have now left that forum as I can be bothered with the know it alls.

1 Can coconut milk
2 cups raw sugar
3 cups flour
3 tsp baking powder
1 tsp bi carb
50 butter
Optional - sultanas, mixed fruit, nutmeg, mixed spice, grated coconut.
You need to melt your sugar in a pot to caramel. Add coconut milk and dissolve all sugar on low heat. Turn off and cool.
Mix flour and raising agents. Rub in butter. Add the cooled coconut mixture. Put into a greased lined pan. Steam for an hour and half.

marcs - 2020-01-03 17:25:00

Why would you not believe him, could easily be a plum duff adapted to suit island style. Why would you expect the recipe to be similar any way. Not sure what your problem is.

Edited by rainrain1 at 6:01 pm, Fri 3 Jan

rainrain1 - 2020-01-03 18:01:00

No idea, I can't see it either, but Google says steamed spice cake.

OT - you're not affected by fires? (PErth springs to mind, which isn't making the news here).

Edited by unknowndisorder at 6:04 pm, Fri 3 Jan

unknowndisorder - 2020-01-03 18:04:00
unknowndisorder wrote:

No idea, I can't see it either, but Google says steamed spice cake.

OT - you're not affected by fires? (PErth springs to mind, which isn't making the news here).

Yes I am in Perth. Not affected by fires in Perth itself but massive fires in the goldfield region which has closed the main highway heading to South Australia/East. That will have a rolling effect on supplies coming from East. Very cool weather in Perth (24 deg today) but heats up by Sunday (36 deg). Fires are common in Australia over summer and we have had quite a few very close to us this summer already. It is really bad out in the Eastern states though. Hot temperatures and high winds. The isolated towns are really worse off. I remember a whole town got obliterated a few years ago in Perth Hills. It was really sad but rural communities are surrounded by bush. It takes very little to start a fire.

Edited by marcs at 6:46 pm, Fri 3 Jan

marcs - 2020-01-03 18:39:00
rainrain1 wrote:

Why would you not believe him, could easily be a plum duff adapted to suit island style. Why would you expect the recipe to be similar any way. Not sure what your problem is.

I was just wondering rainrain. Anyway out there in the world wide web I think people take it the wrong way. I was only wondering what the similarities were that is all as it did not make sense so thought I would ask. It is a steamed cake just like any other steamed cake (plum Duff) made slightly different. I have never had plum duff so I can't compare. Will have to get around to making one one day.

marcs - 2020-01-03 18:42:00

unknown here is the news of today for WA.

marcs - 2020-01-03 18:55:00

I always thought plum duff was Christmas pudding by another name - could never understand why though because there aren’t any plums in the recipe

sarahb5 - 2020-01-03 22:51:00
sarahb5 wrote:

I always thought plum duff was Christmas pudding by another name - could never understand why though because there aren’t any plums in the recipe

Lol Sarahb. I had heard that too but looking through some recipes they use prunes which is dried plum but to tell you the truth the old recipes did not have plum in them.

marcs - 2020-01-03 23:29:00
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