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Einkorn Flour Bread


So I bought some of the fflour.

Bread 1 was rubbish, too wet.
Bread 2 collapsed in middle, now standard bread advice says too wet, einkorn people say too dry. So I am doing it by eye this time, see how that goes.

You can tell by looking at the flour it is different, chunkier? Not coarse exactly....hard to explain.

Birds are getting fat.

lythande1 - 2020-01-02 16:12:00

3rd one worked perfectly. Less water was the key, it's slightly vogel tasting, not as strong. Fluffy inside, crusty outside, perfect.

lythande1 - 2020-01-03 10:55:00

I'm doing some experimenting with the Tangzhong way of baking bread.
Basically, making a "water roux" with a % of the flour and water from the existing recipe, cooling, then making the bread.

Fascinating, and light fluffy bread that keeps longer, without massive amounts of additives. Plenty on Google.......

This is one for a bread machine, the easiest way to test the recipe......

autumnwinds - 2020-01-03 12:30:00
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