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Cold lunch ideas for out in the paddock


I have run out of ideas for lunches. Not a big sandwich fan, but that's what we have mostly.

bisloy - 2019-12-30 13:07:00

Scotch eggs (I bake ours in the oven). Savoury muffins. Savoury scones. Quiche. Wraps filled with chicken/ham, cheese and salad. More fiddly and time consuming but perhaps filled rice paper rolls with dipping sauce. Sushi.

ed65 - 2019-12-30 13:25:00

I think wraps with your favourite fillings. You can even have left over curry (as long as it is not wet) in it. You can have rice and curry with salad. Just remember to take a fork. Pasta salads. A cheese platter if you can with fruits and nuts and crackers and veggies. If you are working in the field you may need a bit more carb heavy meals for lunch.

marcs - 2019-12-30 15:48:00

Pasta, rice, cous cous, roasted vege or quinoa salads - make a big bowl of it at start of the week. The small tins of tuna, salmon and chicken are really handy to take out and add to a bowl of salad
Tinned tuna on rice crackers and a leafy side salad
Cheese scones with mashed curried egg (sounds a bit weird but it is really nice)
Cold quiche or like a zucchini slice or something along those lines with a side salad
Hubby use to take left overs and eat them cold like macaroni cheese, pizza but use a chilly bag to keep it in until lunch with an ice pack
Freeze yoghurts or up n gos to pop in your chiller bag to keep things cold and then mostly defrosted by lunch
Could get really creative and make chia seeds pudding or bircher museli type things if you like something sweet at lunch time

2spotties - 2019-12-30 15:54:00

I'm a fan of bacon and egg pie, cold cooked sausages, sushi, savoury muffins, zucchini slice and leftover pizza being made for picnic lunches. Sausage pie is good too.

Edited by herself at 4:30 pm, Mon 30 Dec

herself - 2019-12-30 16:30:00

Nothing wrong with sandwiches every day, toast them for a change, make toastie pies, muffins, keep it simple, lunches are a pain in you know where to make, if they're hungry enough they'll enjoy their sandwiches, and never complain to the cook ;-)

rainrain1 - 2019-12-30 17:12:00

bacon and egg pie,,no veges,, whole eggs

aaron235 - 2019-12-30 17:20:00

All great suggestions thanks. I'm not a sandwich fan so I find them a bit heavy after a few days.
I will have to muster a bit of energy one end of the day or the other and make some of these yummy things - worthwhile, but sometimes the energy levels are a bit too low for thinking AND making hahaha.
Thanks again!

bisloy - 2019-12-31 14:36:00

In the paddock - as in working harvesters or that sort of thing?
I always found that they needed hearty, moist food, plenty to drink - both hot and cold, followed by such sweet things as apple shortcake, fresh fruit and cheese. Nothing too complicated or unable to be eaten in the hand, plenty of liquids.
So, fresh sandwiches and rolls, scones, pasties, bacon and egg pie, quiche, a light fruit cake, fruit, cheese, apple shortcake, gallons of hot tea and iced tea, lemon and barley water, cold, homemade lemonade, cold water.
I also found that an extra jerry can of water with a basin, soap and towels was always welcome for washing off the inevitable dust from faces, heads and hands.

punkinthefirst - 2020-01-10 20:39:00

Cow paddies lol

johvri - 2020-01-11 09:36:00
johvri wrote:

Cow paddies lol

You warm your feet in fresh ones of those on a cold winters morning

rainrain1 - 2020-01-11 13:45:00
rainrain1 wrote:

You warm your feet in fresh ones of those on a cold winters morning


johvri - 2020-01-12 14:20:00

Cold pies? Sausage rolls, bacon and everything types?
Chicken nibbles. Leftover BBQ is nice...
leftovers in a wrap...although it is a sandwich really....but more interesting.

lythande1 - 2020-01-13 19:26:00
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