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Roast standing Rib of Beef


Can anyone give me cooking times and tempertaure for this please/ Google tells me 200 degrees but that sounds a bit high to me?

pennyo - 2019-12-27 09:34:00

The cooking time will depend on how large the piece of meat is. For a three-rib standing roast medium-rare I would give it about 20 min at 220 C followed by about 30 min at 170C followed by at least 30 min resting on a warm plate with foil loosely tented over it. Longer resting is better.

If you don't use a meat thermometer (I don't) the easiest way to test the meat is to use a fine metal skewer. Insert it in the flesh and leave for a few seconds then pull it out and immediately place it on your arm. It should be very warm but not hot. If it is tepid give the meat a further 10 min and check again.

I normally cook rib-eye on the bone in a covered barbecue, giving it about 10 min on each side on full heat then lowering the heat to halfway and giving it a further 20 min or so. Rest the meat as long as possible.

davidt4 - 2019-12-27 10:49:00
pennyo wrote:

Can anyone give me cooking times and tempertaure for this please/ Google tells me 200 degrees but that sounds a bit high to me?

My Readers Digest New Cookery Year (my cooking bible) says 220 for 15 minutes per 450g plus 15 minutes.

Happy birthday by the way - if this is your birthday dinner then I hope the rest of the family are cooking it and cleaning up

Edited by sarahb5 at 11:31 am, Fri 27 Dec

sarahb5 - 2019-12-27 11:25:00

Thanks, it was delicious, and yes it was my birthday. Husband cleaned up, he's good like that, kids are F ing useless, I screwed up there.

pennyo - 2020-01-01 18:22:00
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