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Too late to do salmon gravalax or similar?


I just want the basic sweet/sour flavour, not anything complicated and time consuming! The salmon is fresh and gorgeous!

Edited by wasala at 9:50 pm, Tue 24 Dec

wasala - 2019-12-24 21:50:00

Leaving it a bit late (I usually allow 2 days), but this one says 24 hours, then says "leave overnight or 12 hours", so this could work:

That site is one I trust, have got some beauts from there...

autumnwinds - 2019-12-24 23:03:00

There won't be enough time to make gravlax, but you can still salt-cure the salmon. Even a couple of hours will be fine. If you like add some gin or vodka to the cure.

davidt4 - 2019-12-25 07:34:00
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