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A Question About Pavlova


Hi there, I made a pavlova yesterday and it turned out great, crunchy shell, meringue from top to bottom with no gap. It was however, not very high.

My question is, if I reduce the diameter of the pav and pile it up higher, would I need to adjust the cooking time?

Thanks in advance.

buster31 - 2019-12-23 08:17:00


sarahb5 - 2019-12-23 08:31:00

Ok, so the pav I made used 6 eggs, was cooked at 110 degrees for 1 1/2 hours, then left overnight in the oven. Any recommendations to what the new cooking time should be?

buster31 - 2019-12-23 08:38:00
buster31 wrote:

Ok, so the pav I made used 6 eggs, was cooked at 110 degrees for 1 1/2 hours, then left overnight in the oven. Any recommendations to what the new cooking time should be?

Sorry no idea - I can’t make pav at all

sarahb5 - 2019-12-23 11:58:00

You could use same recipe and cook it within a ring from a springform tin lined with baking paper. That could work.

eljayv - 2019-12-23 13:45:00

Thanks for that.

buster31 - 2019-12-24 08:19:00

No keep cooking time the same. With Pavs its all about how long you beat the eggs before adding the sugar, the more you beat the egg whites first the better your pav would be. I learnt this from my big sister, who could make pavs like none else I've ever known. In fact a bakery found out about her pavs and asked her make them for them over times like christmas etc. She finally told me her few secrets to getting her pavs so fantastic. One of the first things is the beating of the eggs white, no yolk whatsoever must be in the bowl, oh and if you can use a glass bowl or something that is'ent plastic, as the plastic does something to the egg whites that the others don't. Then beat beat beat agin the egg white, making sure there is no yolk in there whatsoever and you should be able yo turn the bowls upside down and the beaten whites don't move one tiny bit. Then add sugar very slowly beating very well with each add of sugar. When its done properly you should be able to rub little of your whites between two fingers and feel NO or very very little grain of sugar. Then when you add the cornflour don't beat it just fold it in carefully with a spatular of spoon. Then when you pile the mixture onto the tray, line with greaseproof of cours oh and wet the greaseproof paper don't rub butter or anything like that. Then when the mixture is all on the tray smooth i out carefully piling it resonably high but not over the top, make sure though there are no and I mean NO air bubbles anywhere get it as smooth as you can. Have your oven heated already of course, but for the last 15/30min turn oven of and let it finish in the oven cooling down. Then when time is up turn oven of and leave for another 5/10min then take out and leave to cool totally before removing from tray. Take the paper of bottom when you remove from tray. Put on your plate to cool completely before dressing it. For my Chrissy pavs I always do the day before or more. Then on Chrissy day diress it how you like. My family like it fairly plain we just do cream a flake bar sprinkled over and of course strawberries. Thats just us though as lots of peeps do different things. Friend of mine dies this pineapple mixture she put on underneath the cream, I think it so so yummy but hubby is'ent keen on that so I never do it at Chrissy, but do sometimes and just leave a gap with no Pineapple for him. I hav'ent been well lately so hav'ent made a pave this year just bought one, so we will see how they like the bought one. The first time ever I've bought one. Never mind a change is as good as a holiday. They might like the bought one better hence my pav making days might be over lol. Okay sorry for the rave, but hope you do enjoy your Pav. Merry christmas to you and your family. From a stranger. lol

pigletnz25 - 2019-12-24 10:35:00

Oh and I should'ent have said from a stranger as I read something someone put uptake other day it said " There are no strangers here only friends we haven't yet met in person." I really liked that wee saying.
So Merry christmas from a friend you have not yet met in person.

pigletnz25 - 2019-12-24 10:50:00

How did it taste?

amasser - 2019-12-24 10:57:00

Pigletnz25 - thanks for all of your tips. Merry Christmas, and I hope you're back to making your pavs next year!

And what is the pineapple mixture pse?

xpatch - 2019-12-24 11:37:00
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