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Homemade Pesto too much garlic!


I decided to make some pesto and made the same recipe as I have made occasionally before. Two cloves of garlic, but it is too much and seems to overpower the basil. Is there any possible solution?

rai5 - 2019-12-22 19:10:00

Make a second batch, leaving out the garlic. Combine both batches.

davidt4 - 2019-12-22 20:33:00
davidt4 wrote:

Make a second batch, leaving out the garlic. Combine both batches.

I don't have enough basil for another full batch, but I do have enough to halve the current batch. I wonder about what else I could use the other half for. I'm not very inventive in the kitchen!

rai5 - 2019-12-22 20:45:00

If you have parsley in the garden add a good handful and it will make it go further and tone down the garlic.

katalin2 - 2019-12-22 22:18:00

You can make pesto from anything. Kale, Silverbeet etc. What about a sun dried tomato pesto and combine the two?

jan2242 - 2019-12-24 10:17:00

p.s if I don't have pine nuts ai use sunflower seeds. Just as good and saves $$

jan2242 - 2019-12-24 10:18:00

I' someone who doesn't think it is possible to have too much garlic, but if I were you I woud just throw in more basil, nuts, parmesan etc whizz it up a bit more and keep going till I liked it.
Also, as others have mentioned above you can add other leafy greens (parsley would be my preference). I also never make pesto with pine nuts both for cost and taste reasons - I prefer cashew nuts.

cinderellagowns - 2019-12-24 12:06:00
cinderellagowns wrote:

I also never make pesto with pine nuts both for cost and taste reasons - I prefer cashew nuts.

Me. too - way cheaper, and more "creamy".

I use cashew nuts in lots of things that the recipes calls for things like pumpkin seeds (too tough for my gums), peanuts, etc. Some "live" in a bag in the freezer, though I find cashews don't go rancid as easily as other nuts.

autumnwinds - 2019-12-24 15:13:00
autumnwinds wrote:

Me. too - way cheaper, and more "creamy".

I use cashew nuts in lots of things that the recipes calls for things like pumpkin seeds (too tough for my gums), peanuts, etc. Some "live" in a bag in the freezer, though I find cashews don't go rancid as easily as other nuts.

I always have pine nuts in the freezer cos I have a recipe that just wouldn't be the same with anything else ...but am tempted to make this years basil pesto with cashews, because the basil is the 'star', huh?

samanya - 2019-12-24 16:33:00

Definitely. Oh, and I use roasted cashews.
One thing I don't do is use the cheapest olive oil - it can really ruin the taste.

cinderellagowns - 2019-12-24 16:54:00

Did anyone else watch the Country Calendar programme a while back about pine nuts? No wonder they are expensive.

unknowndisorder - 2019-12-24 17:02:00
unknowndisorder wrote:

Did anyone else watch the Country Calendar programme a while back about pine nuts? No wonder they are expensive.

Didn't see the programme, but have seen a huge tree in a cemetery in Central Otago, and can only imagine how difficult it would be to extract each seed undamaged...

autumnwinds - 2019-12-24 23:05:00
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