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Pavlova- only have bench top oven


Has anyone had success making one in these ovens? I did a trial with my usual recipe the other day. It looked great but was stick in the middle. Help please?

jan2242 - 2019-12-20 10:48:00

I hve a sunbeam bench top oven, not a big one. I have cooked a cake in it, and it turned out ok. I am sure you could make a pav in it. just remember a pav does spread a bit.good luck

korbo - 2019-12-20 12:07:00

I only use a benchtop oven for all cooking in an oven including pavs and have no problems its only an oven at the end of the day

mouse265 - 2019-12-23 12:43:00

My tiny old benchtop oven was OK for baking, but my new, bigger one is useless, despite its baking claims. Even drastically lowering a recipe's temperature, and reducing the cooking time, produces burnt tops and pasty bottoms. Very disappointing.

kaddiew - 2019-12-23 15:02:00

I use one all the time, Christmas cake came out well too.

nauru - 2019-12-23 22:37:00
kaddiew wrote:

My tiny old benchtop oven was OK for baking, but my new, bigger one is useless, despite its baking claims. Even drastically lowering a recipe's temperature, and reducing the cooking time, produces burnt tops and pasty bottoms. Very disappointing.

Mine has a knob with different levels for the element, grill which is top element only, bake is both top and bottom element.

Edited by nauru at 10:43 pm, Mon 23 Dec

nauru - 2019-12-23 22:42:00
nauru wrote:

Mine has a knob with different levels for the element, grill which is top element only, bake is both top and bottom element.

Yes, mine too, and other bells and whistles.. Been using bench top ovens for many years, and am very familiar with how to adjust, if/when needed, compared to a traditional oven. But this new one has a fierce top element, out of whack with the bottom one. It boasts pizza making yet leaves the base pasty, even when cooked on bottom rung. Have seen other similar reviews.

Edited by kaddiew at 7:57 am, Tue 24 Dec

kaddiew - 2019-12-24 07:55:00
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