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Keto Pavlova


I made this last year it was really nice, it will go a golden colour, is marshmallow all through. I will use the recipe again this year.

6 egg whites total weight 240g room temperature add extra whites to achieve the weight
1 teaspoon cream of tartar
80 g powdered erythritol
1/4 teaspoon xanthan gum
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 teaspoon vinegar plus [extra to clean the bowl before starting]


Preheat oven to 150 C Line a large baking tray with baking paper.
Clean mixer bowl thoroughly with vinegar and paper towel. Dry well.
Use an electric mixer to whisk egg whites and cream of tartar until soft peaks form.
Add add sweetener 1 teaspoon at a time mixing well after each addition Add in xanthan, vanilla and vinegar and mix well.
Turn oven down to 100 C
Spoon meringue mix into large high pavlova approximately 25cm in diameter. Smooth sides and top to desired pattern.
Cook pavlova for 90 minutes.
I will put up a recipe for custard to use the egg yolks soon.

pickles7 - 2019-12-20 10:02:00

Cool I’m going to try this!

wayneandjudith - 2020-01-16 07:49:00

What did you use for the filling? Berries I suppose to keep it keto?

wayneandjudith - 2020-01-16 07:51:00

Yummy for my Tummy.

daves - 2020-01-16 08:01:00

What is consistency of the powdered erythritol? Is it like the consistency of Icing sugar or is it like the consistency of Castor sugar?

daves - 2020-01-16 09:13:00
daves wrote:

What is consistency of the powdered erythritol? Is it like the consistency of Icing sugar or is it like the consistency of Castor sugar?

icing sugar, you can make your own by blending erythitol to a powder.

kiwiscrapper1 - 2020-01-16 13:02:00
daves wrote:

What is consistency of the powdered erythritol? Is it like the consistency of Icing sugar or is it like the consistency of Castor sugar?

I did an experiment with a friend today, with a wee dish each of sugar, castor sugar and erythritol. The experiment was to see which dish held the erythritol.

She guessed the castor sugar, and couldn't really tell the difference between regular sugar and the erythritol from looking at them or feeling them, though I think the erythritol is a marginally smaller crystal.

I've started on a modified Keto eating plan, and just cutting out the sugar has made the first major difference.

Easy to use (but expensive), use weight for weight in a recipe for sugar, but is only 75% as sweet as sugar, so helps reduce the craving for sweetness, too.

autumnwinds - 2020-01-19 23:02:00
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