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WW2 NZ Land Army Records


Does anyone know if any records exist for all the ladies who joined the NZ Land Army? My m-i-l died in 2017 and was part of this, working on a high country run in Central Otago. Back around 2010-2011 she saw a newspaper report of a lady being awarded a service medal so applied for hers. She was presented with it at a small ceremony, by our local MP. I dont know who she applied to, but someone must have verified she was eligible for it. The army museum have no records but there must be some somewhere?

landylass - 2019-12-17 11:31:00

Some background here:

But I'm struggling to find useful related links.

stock - 2019-12-17 12:06:00

There is plenty here in the Dunedin newpapers.

Much is British stories, but a lot of local too. There are advertisements for "land girls".

stock - 2019-12-17 12:10:00

Thanks stock. In one of the those articles the lady states there were no records, so maybe we are searching for something that simply doesnt exist. Incredible there is not a record of some sort. Thanks for your help. M-i-l came out of the Hyde train smash during the War and we got her story on that, but never thought to ask about her land army days.

landylass - 2019-12-17 12:30:00

Putting "Women's Land Service" into Archway comes up with a couple of things - including a research project from the 1980s. They're likely to be hiding under some vague title there as it would have been set up by a government department.

rednicnz - 2019-12-18 16:45:00

thanks for the tip rednicnz. Thats the bit I couldnt understand, that it was organised by a govt dept, you would think there would be records somewhere.

landylass - 2019-12-19 22:10:00

I know none of these are the official records you're seeking but a search on the National Library has a few things that might be of interest to you.

There's a 'Women's Land Army Friendship Club recipe book' that was published in the 1980s, and is held at the Alexander Turnbull Library (viewable in reading room only). I wonder if this book might also have stories about the women, as well as recipes? And perhaps you can track down this Friendship Club and see what records they may have?

There are also papers that belonged to a Margaret Rogers, including "other ephemera related to the NZ Womens Land Service'. And Joan Butland wrote a book 'NZ Womens Land Service, 1940-1946' that contains reminiscences sent by former members.

If you do a search for 'NZ Womens Land Service' on the NL website, there are photos too.

ed65 - 2019-12-20 04:48:00

Thanks ed65. Will have a look after Xmas. She must also have written or sent something to Veteran Affairs to have confirmed she could claim her medal. We have still got her uniform.

landylass - 2019-12-24 21:06:00
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