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Windows 7 Internet explorer


I have lost my menu bar that ran across the top of the internet explorer 11 - I have always had the google tool bar underneath but the actual file, view etc is no longer there. Is it just me or is it everyone?? thanks elcie42

elcie42 - 2019-12-09 20:41:00

Just you.

Edited by spyware at 8:48 pm, Mon 9 Dec

spyware - 2019-12-09 20:44:00

Press F11

gyrogearloose - 2019-12-09 20:45:00

Right click on one of the other bars that are still there. Should bring up a drop down menu - check that "Menu bar" is still ticked.

itzmagic - 2019-12-09 20:45:00

press ALT
oh and in future use a better browser, like firefox or chrome.

black-heart - 2019-12-09 20:48:00

This message was deleted.

r.g.nixon - 2019-12-09 20:49:00

yes I have it back - oh thank you = I right clicked on he star at the top right hand corner and there it was - menu bar - ticked it and wollah = cheers

elcie42 - 2019-12-09 20:49:00
black-heart wrote:

press ALT
oh and in future use a better browser, like firefox or chrome.

I don't like chrome but tried firefox . That kept wanting up update while I was doing things and that made me get rid of it - Prefer Internet Explorer - Yes I know its old and crappy but so am I. Cheers

elcie42 - 2019-12-09 20:52:00
elcie42 wrote:

I don't like chrome but tried firefox . That kept wanting up update while I was doing things and that made me get rid of it - Prefer Internet Explorer - Yes I know its old and crappy but so am I. Cheers

I highly recommend upgrading. IE is not a secure browser.

videomonkey - 2019-12-09 20:53:00


jonnythecat - 2019-12-11 08:16:00
suicidemonkey wrote:

I highly recommend upgrading. IE is not a secure browser.

absolutely... from what i understand even Microsoft don't recommend using it anymore

king1 - 2019-12-11 09:01:00
videomonkey wrote:

I highly recommend upgrading. IE is not a secure browser.

Heard this before BUT why are the alternatives so non-userfriendlyI'm not capable of making a technical decision and the others may well be more 'secure' but ease of use must surely count for something.

keipa - 2020-11-25 18:21:00

Chrome, Edge are not user unfriendly.

nice_lady - 2020-11-25 18:43:00
nice_lady wrote:

Chrome, Edge are not user unfriendly.

Have to disagree, tried chrome after family member's suggestion - result clunky and VERY non user friendly

Edited by keipa at 7:28 pm, Wed 25 Nov

keipa - 2020-11-25 19:19:00
keipa wrote:

Heard this before BUT why are the alternatives so non-userfriendlyI'm not capable of making a technical decision and the others may well be more 'secure' but ease of use must surely count for something.

maybe, as long as you are aware of the risks and prepared to make that (lack of) security trade off at your own risk...

if you are on windows 10 you're good for another year...

If you are on windows 7 you probably shouldn't be using it for internet banking...

Edited by king1 at 7:25 pm, Wed 25 Nov

king1 - 2020-11-25 19:22:00
keipa wrote:

Have to disagree, tried chrome after family member's suggestion - result clunky and VERY non user friendly

Do tell ? Detail might help. Personally I've been using it for years and years and find it very useable.

nice_lady - 2020-11-25 19:29:00

yeah i can't really see how it can be that different - all browsers have the same stuff, favourites/bookmarks/search/ad-
dress bar etc buttons might be in different places but that's about it

king1 - 2020-11-25 19:34:00

Pebkac no doubt.

nice_lady - 2020-11-25 21:58:00

Firefox seems to develop memory leaks on my 40 window, 400+ tabs setup. It's the number one thing to bring W10 to a crawl.

spyware - 2020-11-27 15:04:00
nice_lady wrote:

Do tell ? Detail might help. Personally I've been using it for years and years and find it very useable.

nice_lady been super busy now with non-covid activity now ok, but finally can respond to your comment 'detail might help'. So here we go with some very quick points that easily come to mind -

btw in the meantime have now tried edge, chrome, and firefox

Note that all fail due to no nicely set out menu listing neatly set out across the page view all in the same place and clearly legible.

for edge -
•A/ horrible clutter with a search box and icons I cluttering the page then a strip across the page with ''my feed" "coronavirus" "top stories" and more all of which simply clutter
•B/ if I want a news feed I'll choose likewise for a weather forecast
•C/ what are ''collections''-
; and ''profile'' but regardless don't want them again its clutter
•D/ where are all the possible actions available under ''file'' "view'' ''tools'' and "help" etc
•E/ tabs are messy and cumbersome I see no way to get another window

for chrome -
•F/ dont want google search on my home page, if I want a google search (or any other search engine) I'll raise its website
•G/ I don't want icons relating to websites previously viewed or other nonsense not previously viewed e.g. web store, online vote
•H/ same as D/ above
•I/ same as E/ above
•J/ where are favourites plus no ability to have favourites subfolders

for firefox -
•K/ same as G/ above
•L/ ''highlights" simply clutter
•M/ same as F/ above
•N/ same as D/ above
O/ same as E/ above

Edited by keipa at 3:47 pm, Tue 20 Apr

keipa - 2021-04-20 15:45:00

K. All of your issues are simple ignorance of how these things work home pages and search engines/pages are easily set. Favorites/bookmarks are simple to access once it's set up sub folders of those are of course available.

My suggestion: if you are over 60 and have Senior Net nearby JOIN UP. You just need an hour of simple lessons and, trust me there's nothing difficult to learn for your needs.

Edited by nice_lady at 4:11 pm, Tue 20 Apr

nice_lady - 2021-04-20 15:57:00
spyware wrote:

Just you.


nice_lady - 2021-04-20 16:11:00

Chrome is pretty horrible, firefox is good apart from the updates when you are in the middle of doing something. If you are on Windows, K-Meleon might be worth looking at.

tygertung - 2021-04-20 16:54:00

Chrome is fine. If your experience of different perhaps it's Pebkac ?

nice_lady - 2021-04-20 17:45:00

No, I just didn't like the interface.

tygertung - 2021-04-20 20:47:00

Honestly I don't know what your guys problem is. I have chrome, firefox and edge on my computers and they all work fine, no problems at all, they do what they are suppose to do. I prefer firefox because it still allows youtube downloads unlike chrome and edge.

muppet_slayer - 2021-04-20 21:35:00
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