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Homemade hummus - Why does the oil separate?


Sometimes when I make hummus the oil separates when it's sitting in the fridge and sometimes it doesn't. Why does it do this does anyone know?

hjrtraders - 2019-12-04 21:47:00

Mine never does that. What do you put in yor hummus?

nauru - 2019-12-04 23:40:00

Chickpeas, garlic, lemon juice, smooth peanut butter (instead of tahini), salt, and oil.... same recipe I've used for years. I think it's an Alison Holst one.

hjrtraders - 2019-12-05 17:08:00

i have never used oil in mine when making it. Could try omitting oil.

1olly1 - 2019-12-05 18:36:00
1olly1 wrote:

i have never used oil in mine when making it. Could try omitting oil.

Without the oil (it's 1 cup) it wouldn't blend well and be a solid mass. What is your recipe please?

hjrtraders - 2019-12-05 19:17:00

I don't add oil to hummus, and most traditional recipes don't. There should be enough lemon juice to thin it to the right creamy consistency, but if not you can add a little cold water or a few ice cubes or some of the chick pea cooking liquid.

I've never heard of peanut butter as a substitute for tahini though, surely it tastes all wrong. It does sound like an odd recipe.

davidt4 - 2019-12-05 21:44:00
davidt4 wrote:

I don't add oil to hummus, and most traditional recipes don't. There should be enough lemon juice to thin it to the right creamy consistency, but if not you can add a little cold water or a few ice cubes or some of the chick pea cooking liquid.

I've never heard of peanut butter as a substitute for tahini though, surely it tastes all wrong. It does sound like an odd recipe.

I always used the chickpea cooking liquid if more liquid was required. Seemed a shame to use water when there is already a flavoursome, thick, stock that can be used.

Peanut butter would make it much more dense and drier than tahini.

OP why not just use tahini? It is available in supermarkets.

buzzy110 - 2019-12-06 13:23:00

Back when I first started making this recipe, which is quite a few years ago, the only supermarket to have tahini in Dunedin was NW in the middle of town. It was mega expensive and expired before you had finished the container. Someone (somewhere) told me to use peanut butter instead as it was a common substitute (bare in mind that this was probably 20+ years ago). I've used it ever since and have to admit I've never looked at the price or availability of tahini since. I'll look in buying tahini and try my next batch without the oil.

Is the liquid from the tin chickpeas going to be okay to use as I don't cook the chickpeas from scratch these days?

hjrtraders - 2019-12-06 21:17:00
hjrtraders wrote:

Back when I first started making this recipe, which is quite a few years ago, the only supermarket to have tahini in Dunedin was NW in the middle of town. It was mega expensive and expired before you had finished the container. Someone (somewhere) told me to use peanut butter instead as it was a common substitute (bare in mind that this was probably 20+ years ago). I've used it ever since and have to admit I've never looked at the price or availability of tahini since. I'll look in buying tahini and try my next batch without the oil.

Is the liquid from the tin chickpeas going to be okay to use as I don't cook the chickpeas from scratch these days?

I’ve made it without tahini when I had run out (still tasted good). Definitely needs oil if you don’t use tahini though.

blands70 - 2019-12-06 22:10:00

I use this Tahini, available here for $7

Once opened, it stores in the fridge.

wheelz - 2019-12-08 10:57:00
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