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be born in a 'double-barreled' birth year, e.g. 2 Jan 1745-1746? Which year is correct? TIA.

ironthrone990 - 2019-11-28 11:16:00

In Parish registers, 1745 usually goes from April 1st up to 31 March 1746. April is when they usaully write the new year date in the register and records usually start then. Which is correct will depend on a record on how accurately the date has been recorded in the first place, which might depend on it being an original document and not a transcript. Often there well be multiple transcripts online for the same BDM with one each date.

There are a variety of ways this will be recorded, sometimes just assigning the year to Jan 1st, sometimes recording it as 1745/46 or 1745/1746.

Edited by morticia at 1:40 pm, Thu 28 Nov

morticia - 2019-11-28 13:33:00

It would seem this individual was born 2 Jan 1746 if the parish registers began it's calendar year at 01/04/1745 to 31/03/1746. Thanks morticia.

ironthrone990 - 2019-11-28 15:37:00

rednicnz - 2019-11-28 19:10:00
ironthrone990 wrote:

It would seem this individual was born 2 Jan 1746 if the parish registers began it's calendar year at 01/04/1745 to 31/03/1746. Thanks morticia.

Born or baptised? Parish registers don't usually have the date of birth just the date of baptism which is not necessarily any time close to the time of birth. Often a bunch of siblings of all sorts of ages will be baptised together, sometimes people get baptised as adults, sometimes they are noted as being x months old at the time of baptism and how each is recorded is based on how the curate in that church likes to record it. There is no hard and fast rule.

I have one baptised in late 1600s at age 25, the parish register notes his age at the time. Others are a few years old an that has been noted.

morticia - 2019-11-28 19:29:00
rednicnz wrote:

Thanks rednicnz

ironthrone990 - 2019-11-29 14:31:00

Hi morticia. This individual was born on 2 Jan 1745/46 and baptized with 3 siblings on 18 May 1755.

ironthrone990 - 2019-11-29 14:35:00
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