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Please can you help me with planning


a cold Christmas buffet selection ? In the past we have had a bbq at a set time at say 3pm , but this year, various family members say they are coming but are all arriving, departing at different times. My husband's suggestion is that we lock the house and go away for Christmas! Not very helpful.
I would love your ideas of how to prepare a buffet that can easily be refreshed, topped up etc. Normally, I'd made trifle etc but that will look messy with people digging into it through out the day. I need help.
So far I have cold sliced ham and lamb, potato salad, cheese platters, green salad and asparagus/ ham individual puff pastry rolls. Hubby is adamant that he is not going to fire up the BBQ for several "sittings".
Thanks in advance.

botim - 2019-11-26 11:11:00

Things to put in bread rolls, or croissants, salami, cheeses, olives, mussels, cheeses, etc, nuts, chips/dip etc that you can top up the bowls, make the trifle in 2 'smaller than usual' bowls and use the 'messy' ones for the kids. You can top up or remake salads as you go. Cheese ball and crackers, grapes, strawberries and dried fruit.

articferrit - 2019-11-26 11:32:00

Put pre-prepared salad ingredients in a plastic bag or bags in the fridge so you can quickly top up salads. Potato salad can be split up in smaller bowls so you can whip another out when more guests arrive. Keep boiled, shelled eggs in the fridge and you can smooth down the potato salad, add sliced boiled eggs on top to re-freshen it. Put messy trifle into glasses, add a few more pieces of sliced fruit and decorate with whipped cream and they'll look presentable again. Nice bread rolls are always great. Quiches can be lovely. A nice fruit platter is always popular.

Edited by simon.l at 1:38 pm, Tue 26 Nov

simon.l - 2019-11-26 13:37:00

I find keeping it simple is the best. Cold cut meat even if you have to buy from the deli, bread rolls, salads, bread sticks, crackers, cheese, fruit, nuts, dips. These are things you can buy in advance but also prepare in advance. If you want deserts then you can still make your triffle but make them in little cups for individual portions or any desert you are thinking off, make them in individual portions. You can then top up as they go.

marcs - 2019-11-26 16:20:00
botim wrote:

My husband's suggestion is that we lock the house and go away for Christmas!
I would love your ideas of how to prepare a buffet that can easily be refreshed, topped up etc. .

I'm with your husband.
No, just do your usual. If people want to come at annoying times, well, there's the microwave to reheat stuff and the fridge to keep it cool.

lythande1 - 2019-11-26 18:21:00

Also, think about how you are going to stop food sitting out for hours and growing food poisoning bugs.

duckmoon - 2019-11-26 19:14:00

Is this a day for a ham??
Not too large, keep it in the fridge, and keep slicing and putting out on the buffet

When I am doing ham, rolls and nice/posh mustards.
Add a green salad - perhaps spinach and walnuts
And a carbs salad - perhaps pumpkin and feta...

And then leave it there.

For puddings, have you thought about getting glasses at the op shop and serving indidviaul desserts, which can be taken out of the fridge when required.
Or a tropical fruit salad, posh ice cream and merginues

duckmoon - 2019-11-26 19:16:00

And a great cheese board - with grapes and dried fruit.

duckmoon - 2019-11-26 19:16:00

Finally, I think you are a saint.
I am not sure I would be feeding people who are coming and going.
You are a great human being

duckmoon - 2019-11-26 19:17:00

You have some great suggestions here and I will add another one. Alongside the cold buffet you could add a quick hot dip that can be prepared in advance. Buy a large camembert or two - unwrap them and put them back in the container. Slice the top and put over nuts, dried fruit, a bit of honey or wine. Then place it in a tinfoil wrapping -it only needs to go into the oven to heat and soften the cheese - no more than about 10 minutes. You can also do these on a bbq with a lid - it is great with slices of french bread and a great addition to your rolling feast! You will find ideas under Baked camembert on google.

julie55 - 2019-11-26 19:40:00

For an extra simple dessert esp for children, set small amounts of red & green jellies (one on top of the other which looks pretty) in little glass bowls if you have them, and serve with ice cream on top and perhaps fruit salad, or strawberries.
Be careful as duckmoon says re leaving out any meats etc too long in the heat.

nzhel - 2019-11-27 01:16:00
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