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Whole Wheat Flour?


My son sent me a recipe for a no kneed loaf but cannot find WW Flour, tried useing whole grain, was a big failure, anywhere in Auckland I can buy it please??

pollypanner - 2019-11-20 16:34:00

Use your Ww and add some gluten flour, say exchange with 1/2 cup

lilyfield - 2019-11-20 16:39:00

Just use wholemeal flour, even the supermarket should have it, they certainly used to.

fromwhereisit - 2019-11-20 17:16:00

All the supermarkets stock wholemeal flour and add 1 tablsp of gluten flour per cup wholewheat flour. I use either Pams (PnS or NW) or Countdown own brand flours, they are much cheaper than other brands.

Edited by nauru at 5:25 pm, Wed 20 Nov

nauru - 2019-11-20 17:23:00

Sorry it was wholemeal I used and like I said absolute failure.. looked through Pac n save, countdown and New world to ba avail.might have to. Try health food shop.

pollypanner - 2019-11-20 17:26:00
pollypanner wrote:

Sorry it was wholemeal I used and like I said absolute failure.. looked through Pac n save, countdown and New world to ba avail.might have to. Try health food shop.

I use wholmeal flour to make the "No Knead" bread and have never had a fail but I do add 1 tablsp gluten flour to each cup WM flour, tip from the Daley bread book.

nauru - 2019-11-21 20:54:00

When you say 'gluten flour', do you mean white flour?

patxyz - 2019-11-21 21:47:00

And I also made no knead bread for about 25 years and used used three quarters wholemeal, and no gluten, it never failed. Breadmaking improves with practice, assuming you have a good recipe, although bread dough is very forgiving I have found. Best of luck.

fromwhereisit - 2019-11-22 14:57:00
patxyz wrote:

When you say 'gluten flour', do you mean white flour?

Gluten flour is not the same thing as white flour, it is a powdered form of pure gluten, a very fine cream coloured flour. It gives the bread dough strength and elasticity. I used to buy it in health food shops years ago, you can probably find it at a Bin Inn or other bulk food store.

davidt4 - 2019-11-22 15:23:00
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