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**Butter vs Margarine**


With the price of butter is anyone successfully using margarine instead for baking?
Any tried and tested recipes would be appreciated.

standard - 2019-11-16 17:01:00

Yes I have used olivani for baking and I cant tell the difference between that and butter. Having said that I still prefer to use butter (mind over matter I think) so I buy up large when it is on special and freeze it. I have used olivani in all baking

Edited by nanee2jlp at 7:32 pm, Sat 16 Nov

nanee2jlp - 2019-11-16 19:32:00

I have never used butter in my baking or anything else. Do not like the taste of butter at all. I do not think my family ever noticed any difference,they have never had butter at home.

lilyfield - 2019-11-16 19:43:00
nanee2jlp wrote:

... I still prefer to use butter (mind over matter I think) so I buy up large when it is on special and freeze it.

I still prefer butter, too, and do the same - buy on special, and freeze it.

BTW - as well as butter creeping up in price, cheese is creeping up price-wise even faster :(

autumnwinds - 2019-11-16 19:49:00

Yes I do. I use it in most cakes or it the recipe states melted butter then I will use oil. I am starting to make more oil based cakes though. I will do my Christmas baking in butter though.

marcs - 2019-11-16 22:38:00

I use butter or oil - never margarine. I’m sure I have seen a baking blend in new world though which could be a suitable alternative

sarahb5 - 2019-11-17 20:40:00
sarahb5 wrote:

I use butter or oil - never margarine. I’m sure I have seen a baking blend in new world though which could be a suitable alternative

Purchased a pack of above Bakels Cooking Marg a couple of weeks ago. It is like the basic Cake Margarine that is used in 99% of the cake bakeries in NZ.
It doesn't need refrigeration and is perfect as a substitute.
I did a trial using it chilled in Flaky Pastry - DISASTER- but I now remember that we used to use another much harder version for Flaky.
It is fine for Cakes, Choux Pastry, Sweet Short Pastry and a min 30% cheaper than butter.

snapperheadrkp - 2019-11-18 11:00:00

Have only ever used butter in baking.

craftylady1 - 2019-11-19 12:39:00

I have found that fudge cake, citrus slice and similar type mixtures do not firm up very well so will stick with butter for that type baking.

gaimon - 2019-11-19 22:11:00
standard wrote:

With the price of butter is anyone successfully using margarine instead for baking?
Any tried and tested recipes would be appreciated.

Yes, I have always used margarine instead of butter for baking, just substitute in any recipe.

nauru - 2019-11-20 17:33:00
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