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Ginger beer


I have a yen to make a ginger beer bug for summer, but, google tells me I need plastic bottles to put the lovely stuff in once producing. I don't have plastic bottles, I do however have a regular supply of screw top wine bottles. So, can I use those or is it a no no because of exploding glass once carbonating?

Edited by oh_hunnihunni at 5:16 pm, Wed 13 Nov

oh_hunnihunni - 2019-11-13 17:16:00

Glass bottles are fine, we used dads large beer bottles when we we kids

timturtle - 2019-11-13 19:16:00
timturtle wrote:

Glass bottles are fine, we used dads large beer bottles when we we kids

Thank you!

oh_hunnihunni - 2019-11-14 09:11:00

When I was a kid and ginger beer was made in glass beer bottles it had to be kept in the cupboard under the concrete tubs in the wash house because it always exploded. Can you ask people you know to keep plastic bottles for you?

articferrit - 2019-11-14 10:12:00

I may have to cough cough... buy water...

Maybe I should just forgeddaboudit, lol.

oh_hunnihunni - 2019-11-14 21:15:00

Ours very rarely exploded, you have to make sure you don’t fill right to the top and we never added a sultana either that made them explode

timturtle - 2019-11-15 08:40:00

I just collect up used soft drink or big water bottles(the thick walled ones) give them several good washes using dish liquid, rinse well and then make sure they are perfectly dry before filling. Put them in a cool, dark place to do its stuff. Perhaps there is a local bar/café/restaurant which uses bottled mixers and drinks - I am sure they would have plenty you could reuse.

Edited by brouser3 at 5:40 pm, Fri 15 Nov

brouser3 - 2019-11-15 17:38:00
timturtle wrote:

Glass bottles are fine, we used dads large beer bottles when we we kids

This ^ ^ ^
Stick corks in them - as far as they'll go.
You don't want the experience of ginger beer - or gawd forbid - home brew, exploding all over the laundry walls, floors and yes, even the ceiling - as happened more than once in my childhood

diamondgirl06 - 2019-11-15 18:06:00
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