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Bread Machine experts - Help please


I have been making 100% Wholewheat bread in my bread maker (Panasonic SD2501) for about 6 weeks now. I make 3 - 4 loaves a week. It usually comes out okay - a little bit dense with a 'craggy' crust on top and I usually eat it toasted as I don't really like it as fresh bread (for the Dr Vos bread diet). The loaf I made last night was absolutely PERFECT - smooth crust, light, fluffy and tastes delicious !!! it is also about 20% higher than usual. The problem is I have no idea why - same recipe, same technique. The only thing I can think that may have made a difference is I used only tepid water whereas I usually use quite warm water. Could that small difference have had such a massive impact on the quality of the loaf?

ace441 - 2019-11-13 08:53:00

Not an expert, but Yes, water temp does make a difference, as does yeast qty. I used to brew my own beer and wine, so know how temp can change things.
I've just made a water roux and leaving it to cool down before making a loaf this afternoon as wanted to try for a softer loaf for a change. I haven't tried the water roux method before, so fingers crossed.

nzstocked - 2019-11-13 09:27:00

Not only ingredient temperature but room temperature can make a difference - was your room temperature warmer? (My bread maker won’t even function if it is too cold!)

spinderella - 2019-11-13 09:43:00

Yes it can make a massive difference.
I also recommend opening the lid and watching it mix......sometimes that blade isn't moving properly.

lythande1 - 2019-11-13 12:30:00

I know this isn't answering your question but I make a white loaf recipe but I swap 2/3 of the flour for wholemeal and cook it on the white loaf setting. It makes a delicious, light wholemeal loaf.

razell - 2019-11-16 12:49:00
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