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Half and Half - milk/cream for coffee


Please could someone tell me what half and half is? I'm thinking half full milk and half runny cream. The coffee in USA and Canada tastes SO good with this but I don't see it available here. Thanks

pugswal - 2019-11-12 21:33:00

Quote - Trader Joe’s didn’t have it in stock when I went shopping, and I had to DIY half-and-half by combining equal parts milk and cream. Because, well, that’s exactly what it is.

Yep. It’s that simple. Half whole milk, half heavy cream. Boom: half-and-half! The texture is thicker and more luscious than milk, but less decadent and rich than cream. It’s the perfect middle ground, probably what Goldilocks prefers in her coffee.

gpg58 - 2019-11-12 21:52:00

It's fully homogenized though, nothing compares to the real deal in the US. One of the local dairy companies tried it but we had to pour it down the sink, tatua or lewis maybe.

laspaz - 2019-11-12 21:55:00

I put cream in milk that works

deboron - 2019-11-13 08:14:00

Thanks everyone. Now to give it a go!

pugswal - 2019-11-14 08:21:00

Doesn't whip though, good in coffee or on pancakes. Blue lid

Edited by voyager4 at 1:54 pm, Thu 14 Nov

voyager4 - 2019-11-14 13:53:00
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