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Cooking Sides of Salmon


what is something nice I can do with 3 sides of salmon for a function tomorrow? I usually do a crumb with cranberries, almonds, thyme, parsley, lemon etc but I am a bit sick of doing it! What do you do with salmon?

petmacorpltd - 2019-11-01 19:54:00

Not sides, but miso salmon with maple syrup.

Edited by unknowndisorder at 10:20 pm, Fri 1 Nov

unknowndisorder - 2019-11-01 22:19:00

Place salmon skin side down on a piece of foil then scour the flesh side and rub softened butter into the cuts. Add salt and pepper or garlic powder and some sprigs of rosemary the wrap and seal in the foil. Bake @ 200 c for about 20 min remove the rosemary. Add some tartar sauce and enjoy.

spencer26 - 2019-11-02 11:02:00

Look up annabel langbein's 'tea smoked salmon' recipe, it is really easy, tastes amazing and even I managed to cook it.

articferrit - 2019-11-02 12:06:00
unknowndisorder wrote:

Not sides, but miso salmon with maple syrup.

That sounds delicious. This is too - we sometimes do it for Christmas.

blands70 - 2019-11-02 18:08:00
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