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Boer War


My Great Grandmother was apparently a nurse in the Boer War Louisa Lonsdale. She was born in England in London and I’m not sure if she left from New Zealand or England. Where can I search to find anything out about her.

nat148 - 2019-11-01 09:30:00

Sorry her name was Mary Louisa Lonsdale

nat148 - 2019-11-01 10:19:00

Try this.

poce - 2019-11-01 13:31:00

Try this.

poce - 2019-11-01 13:47:00

Is this the lady?
Press, Volume LXXVIII, Issue 23753, 26 September 1942

Died 25 Sep 1942.
1942/32036 Lonsdale Louise Mary 80Y
Burial Waimairi

stock - 2019-11-01 15:51:00

Headstone image Herbert Ephram (1932) & Louise Lonsdale

stock - 2019-11-01 15:54:00

The Herbert Ephraim & Louise Mary Lonsdale had a son in 1890 and she is unlikely to have taken off to the war in South Africa about 1898-1901.

Can you tell us the name of your Great Grandmother's husband and where she lived in NZ?

stock - 2019-11-01 16:29:00

Mary Louisa Lonsdale married Frank William White of Christchurch - he was with the 6th Contingent from Canterbury in the Boer War
She died 12/2/1935 in Auckland. I don't know if they divorced but at some stage he left and went back to Christchurch where he died. His next of kin when he signed up to go to war in January 1901 was listed as his mother Mrs Emma White of Papanui.

nat148 - 2019-11-01 19:08:00
1935/13402 White Mary Louisa 60Y (= born about 1875)

Looking for an obituary, this is a start
Auckland Star, Volume LXVI, Issue 37, 13 February 1935

Some other basic data:
NZ births of their children
1907/4831 White Benjamin Frank Mary Louisa Frank William
1911/1408 White Katherine Mary Mary Louisa Frank William
1915/29203 White William Lonsdale Mary Louisa Frank William
1915/29204 White Clarice Lonsdale Mary Louisa Frank William

stock - 2019-11-01 20:46:00

Yes that is her Stock

Edited by nat148 at 9:06 pm, Fri 1 Nov

nat148 - 2019-11-01 21:06:00

And another birth possibility (in line with the 1935 death notice)
1908/22070 White Emma Etty Mary Luie Frank William

stock - 2019-11-01 21:34:00

Can't find relevant Mary Louisa Lonsdale at UK Archives.

stock - 2019-11-01 21:37:00

Struggling to find anything on a Lonsdale nurse in South Africa in Gale Newspapers (UK).

stock - 2019-11-01 21:51:00

Some Ancestry family trees claim she was lining in Camberwell, London, England with her mother and siblings in 1901 (last (?) year of SA war).

stock - 2019-11-01 21:59:00

Stock Emma Etty is my nana. I always understood that is how she met Frank William White because they lived in Auckland and he was from Christchurch and ended up there without her later in life (mind you we were told he ran off to Australia with the maid but I definitely don't think they were well off enough to have a maid) and it seems that he just went back to his family in Christchurch

nat148 - 2019-11-02 07:38:00
stock wrote:

Some Ancestry family trees claim she was lining in Camberwell, London, England with her mother and siblings in 1901 (last (?) year of SA war).

They might refer to this one

Who appears to be this one

Edited by morticia at 10:34 am, Sat 2 Nov

morticia - 2019-11-02 10:22:00

Marriage was in Pretoria South Africa in 1905:

Naturally her occupation was just spinster!

A least that confirms her connection with South Africa.

stock - 2019-11-02 11:15:00

Army file of Frank William White is at Archives NZ

I can't glean where / when he was discharged. But 1902 gratuity was to be paid to his mother of Normans Road Christchurch (but some debate whether it had already been paid).

Edited by stock at 11:47 am, Sat 2 Nov

stock - 2019-11-02 11:45:00

Her address: 15 Scheiding Street. I can't pick up what the property might have been in 1905.

stock - 2019-11-02 12:10:00

Thank you Stock. I had seen the war records for Frank. I find it interesting they were both quite old for first marriage too. Maybe she went to South Africa after the war because I think I read he stayed on in a ‘policeman’ type roll after the war and maybe that’s when they met rather than during the war when he was convalescing

nat148 - 2019-11-02 18:12:00
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