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Icing for Wedding cake


I have made a wedding cake for coming weekend and want to ice it with something other than almond and royal icing. Any recommendations would be appreciated.

petmacorpltd - 2019-10-29 10:08:00
petmacorpltd wrote:

I have made a wedding cake for coming weekend and want to ice it with something other than almond and royal icing. Any recommendations would be appreciated.

How about fondant?

kiwitrish - 2019-10-29 10:23:00

I used chocolate ganache for one of the wedding cakes i made a few years ago- worked really well. I used dark chocolate but you could use white chocolate or a layer of each.

katalin2 - 2019-10-29 13:12:00
petmacorpltd wrote:

I have made a wedding cake for coming weekend and want to ice it with something other than almond and royal icing. Any recommendations would be appreciated.

Have you asked the bride and groom what they would like? Personally I wouldn’t want fondant on a wedding cake but they may prefer it - lots seem to use buttercream

sarahb5 - 2019-10-29 13:58:00

How about marshmallow? Don't know how it works exactly but friend who makes those fancy cakes has done a few with it, and it looks normal, but for those who hate that yukky stuff.
Google probably shows's not just chopped marshmallow I know that, she does some actual thing. (I'm no baker so can't be more helpful)

lythande1 - 2019-10-29 14:37:00

It's a fruit cake so chocolate or marshmellow wouldn't work. I may just use buttercream. The wedding is for a mature couple (70's) hence the fruit cake I just find young people don't seem to care for fruit cake let alone almond icing.

petmacorpltd - 2019-10-29 15:19:00

What kind of cake is it??
Because that would influence what is a good match.

duckmoon - 2019-11-01 21:00:00
petmacorpltd wrote:

It's a fruit cake so chocolate or marshmellow wouldn't work. I may just use buttercream. The wedding is for a mature couple (70's) hence the fruit cake I just find young people don't seem to care for fruit cake let alone almond icing.

ops, question answered.
Young people aren't going to get the fruit cake whether or not it has almond and royal icing.
I don't mind them being peasants... more for you to enjoy!!!

duckmoon - 2019-11-01 21:01:00

Brandy Butter cream is great on a fruit cake.

gennie - 2019-11-01 21:58:00
gennie wrote:

Brandy Butter cream is great on a fruit cake.

I will never understand that - brandy butter goes on mince pies not fruit cake

sarahb5 - 2019-11-01 22:00:00

Dark chocolate ganache actually goes really well with fruit cake, sounds like an unlikely combo but its great!

motgirl - 2019-12-04 18:22:00
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