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Hummus - 'Consume within 3 days of opening'


How many people would use that much so quickly? Looked at the container as some watery fluid appeared which I hadn't seen before and was using it at usual level. Use it instead of other spreads but not that thickly. Is kept in refrigerator, as suggested in small print.
In even smaller print (small ant size), the list of ingredients includes 'Preservative (223)' and 'Preservative (202)'. Is it just a marketing plan to make us buy more?

amasser - 2019-10-16 10:55:00

Stir well before use......End of the fridge will last 2-3 weeks

petal1955 - 2019-10-16 11:47:00

I know this isn't answering your question but make it yourself. Honestly, it's so easy and so much cheaper - and tastier.

awoftam - 2019-10-16 20:54:00

This message was deleted.

hd07 - 2019-10-17 06:28:00
awoftam wrote:

I know this isn't answering your question but make it yourself. Honestly, it's so easy and so much cheaper - and tastier.

Can you share your recipe please?

jan2242 - 2019-10-17 10:18:00
jan2242 wrote:

Can you share your recipe please?

Whizz a can of chick peas with a small amount of the liquid and a couple of splodges of good olive oil, salt, lemon juice, 1 T of tahini (or to taste) and garlic.

I sometimes add cumin.


awoftam - 2019-10-17 19:25:00
jan2242 wrote:

Can you share your recipe please?

Ange164 says: 1t salt. 1/2 t pepper. 2 cloves garlic. 2 T lemon juice (1/2 a lemons worth ish). 1 tin drained chick peas. 1 T tahini or 1 big t peanut butter if you don't have tahini. Whizz in food processor, add oil as necessary approx 3T then add water 1 T at a time until desired consistency. Optional extras = 1/2 cup left over roasted pumpkin or kumara, some sundried tomatos, dried cumin, dried or fresh coriander, curry powder, etc

keithellett - 2019-10-22 12:22:00
petal1955 wrote:

Stir well before use......End of the fridge will last 2-3 weeks

this is what happens at our house

duckmoon - 2019-10-26 17:15:00
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