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Julie Le Clerc's apricot slice...


tried the recipe and did not work. i hv a very crumbly mixture that would not bind. pls help. my first try and not a baker.

hoonguek - 2019-10-02 14:33:00

This recipe?

I would add more melted honey and PB.

Edited by unknowndisorder at 6:53 pm, Wed 2 Oct

unknowndisorder - 2019-10-02 18:52:00

Not sure what liquid goes into the recipe ie melted butter, peanut butter, honey. You can add more of these and even a little condensed milk or golden syrup just to make sure the mix binds. If it is biscuit based recipe, I have found that the brand and type of biscuits you use makes a difference.

marcs - 2019-10-02 20:34:00

Its disappointing when a recipe doesn’t work for you. I’d be adding some melted better or condensed milk I think, goes against the ethos of all natural/reduced sugar etc, but at the end of the day you want something you can actually use, and not wasting the other lovely ingredients you’ve used.

strowan1 - 2019-10-03 07:46:00

I would add any of the liquids others have suggested, then tightly squeeze and roll the mixture into balls, dip in coconut and enjoy that way.

kaddiew - 2019-10-03 10:44:00

hoonguek - is it a raw slice? I would quite like the recipe please. I have a really lovely apricot slice (baked) I would happily share if anyone wants it - it is from a cafe and is a favourite of mine.

petmacorpltd - 2019-10-05 08:04:00
petmacorpltd wrote:

hoonguek - is it a raw slice? I would quite like the recipe please. I have a really lovely apricot slice (baked) I would happily share if anyone wants it - it is from a cafe and is a favourite of mine.

Yes please. :)

kaddiew - 2019-10-05 08:34:00
hoonguek wrote:

tried the recipe and did not work. i hv a very crumbly mixture that would not bind. pls help. my first try and not a baker.

It's probably a bit late now but could you contact Julie through her website? I'm sure that she'd be happy to help.

wasala - 2019-10-05 11:28:00

Try this.Yummo


200 grms Butter

1/2 cup brown sugar

1/4 cup golden syrup

1 tsp vanilla essence

3/4 cup plain flour

1 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp ginger

1 egg lightly beaten

1 cup desiccated coconut

1 cup rolled oats

1/2 cup ground almonds


500 grms dried apricots finely chopped

2 & 1/4 cups water

1/4 cup apricot jam

2 tbsp honey

25 grms butter

Preheat oven to 180 degrees C Line slice tin with baking paper

Heat butter, golden syrup and vanilla in saucepan over a medium heat until butter is melted. Cool slightly, then stir in the flour and spices. Add the egg, coconut, rolled oats and ground almonds and mix to combine evenly. Press into tin in an even layer and bake in middle of the oven for 10 mins. Remove from oven and leave to cool in tin.

Place the apricots in a saucepan with the water, jam , honey and butter. Cover and simmer gently for about 20-30 mins or until its thick and jammy, stirring every now and then so it doesn't stick and burn. Spread over the cooled slice in an even layer and cover and chill in fridge for at least an hour.

petal1955 - 2019-10-05 15:22:00
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