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Ideas for cooking on a boat please


I will have 4 x gas elements,an oven that doesn't seem to get very hot and a BBQ. Any ideas for Christmas holiday food please. I will have a tiny fridge and some freezer space too so can take pre- prepared food too.

edlin - 2019-09-16 09:06:00

I freeze soups always seem to be a hit , home made curry pies frozen and reheaten in oven.

ruby19 - 2019-09-16 11:33:00

Maybe precook a ham then that can be serves cold? New potatoes and salad? Is there room for chilly bins to help with fridge space? If not see what can be bought in cans lol

jan2242 - 2019-09-16 11:40:00

Oven does not seem to get hot enough for pies unfortunately. Yes,I will be bringing ham but it will take up a lot of space in the little fridge. Good idea to use chilly bins. I think one for drinks and one for salad ingredients and leave the fridge for ham,cheese,butter etc. Not a fan of cans but will have some for emergencies perhaps. Thanks for the ideas

edlin - 2019-09-16 13:00:00

Ham would take less room if sliced.

olwen - 2019-09-16 13:18:00

Lol... I'm currently writing a cookbook for cooking on a boat.......

Will just share this recipe which, while not actually cooked on the boat, is an excellent "filler" and good with cups of coffee/tea and stays moist for days to cut and come again. This makes a large oven baking dish full..... but mixture can be halved, or make and freeze half for a time-saving bonus!

2 teaspoons baking soda
2 cups cold tea
250 gms (8 oz) butter
2 cups milk
2 cups sugar
2 Tablespoons golden syrup
4 cups flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
3/4 teaspoon salt
2 Tablespoons cocoa
2 cups desiccated coconut **
2 cups sultanas

1. Dissolve baking soda in the cold tea.
2. In a pot, melt the butter, milk, sugar and golden syrup until well blended and the sugar is partially dissolved. Cool slightly – just couple of minutes.
3. Place all dry ingredients into a large bowl, pour the butter mixture over.
4. Quickly stir in the tea and soda, then pour the wet mixture into a greased and paper-lined large rectangular roasting pan. (Mixture is like a thick batter).
5. Bake in a moderate oven (about 160-170 C) for about 45 – 50 minutes – until the dent made by a finger gently pressed on the surface “bounces back”.
6. Ice with chocolate glace, butter or ganache icing when cold.

Autumn’s Culinary Tips:
1. ** Note **: instead of ALL desiccated coconut, you could make up the two cup amount by also using some rolled oats, even a little bran (no more than about 4 tablespoons) and some finely chopped nuts (to add up to 2 cups in total.). Do use at least ½ desiccated coconut, though – it adds to the cake’s moistness.
2. This cake keeps well and is nice and moist – great food for boating, picnics, camping trips, buffets, family functions, after school, after matches..... you name it, it’ll fill them up!).
3. This size recipe can be cut in half and one half frozen.

autumnwinds - 2019-09-16 14:56:00

I find this easy, filling and tasty - can be amended to suit. Oven not a necessity

alegnak - 2019-09-16 15:04:00

Butter and cheese don't always need a fridge. Put them in the saucer of a large clean clay plant pot. Invert the pot (previously soaked in cold water) over the top so that it covers, then drape a clean wet cloth over that. Keep it damp and evaporation will keep the food cool enough. Lettuce and tomatoes, etc., can be kept cool in these, too.
The polystyrene chill boxes will keep food frozen for a week if it is layered with those plastic Slikka Pads.If you haven't enough of them, freeze some milk or other liquid that you need to keep cold. The trick is to plan your menu and pack the boxes so that you open them as little as possible.The polystyrene boxes are far more efficient than the plastic chilly bins, and often can be free from your supermarket or fish monger.
Also, dried skim milk and UHT milk is useful on such trips and doesn't need a fridge, as are other dried and canned foods, rice, pasta, etc.
You might also want to get your oven checked out. If its gas, it might have the odd blocked hole which needs cleaning out.
Edited to add.... leave space in your freezer for spare slikka pads. That way, you can swap them over and keep your polystryrene box contents frozen. Oh, and see if you can get some of your food vaccuum packed. It keeps longer.

Edited by punkinthefirst at 4:14 pm, Mon 16 Sep

punkinthefirst - 2019-09-16 16:08:00

Wow,thanks everyone for all the help and inspiration. I have a plan that will work now. Merry Christmas!!!!

edlin - 2019-09-16 17:45:00
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