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Defrosting pork shoulder roast


I have a 1.7kg piece of pork shoulder roast (bone in) that I need to thaw in the fridge before cooking it in the crock pot for tea on Saturday.

When will I need to take it out of the freezer please? Would Thursday night be OK?


(sorry - that sounds like one of those maths 'problems' we had at school).

calista - 2019-09-11 11:39:00

I thaw mine in a dish in the oven, take it out the night before, then in fridge in morning.

lythande1 - 2019-09-11 11:48:00

calista, because the pork needs to be fully thawed before crock-pot cooking begins on Saturday, I'd be tempted to take it out of the freezer even tonight (Wednesday - forecasted to be below zero overnight) but be sure to leave the pork in an unheated room then put it in the refrigerator in the morning and leave it there. It should be fully thawed by Saturday morning. :-))

245sam - 2019-09-11 12:44:00

As above. It isn't going to go off. I brown mine on the top of the stove, then on a trivet and in a pan on top of the stove on a low light for about 4 hours, along with the onions and carrots - and a splash of port...

socram - 2019-09-11 14:11:00

Thanks everyone. A dish in the cold oven may be a good idea tonight because it is beyond the range of feline fangs.

The recipe is at

if anyone wants to try it. I have made it before and it came out well which was just as well because it was an emergency googled choice due to my oven temporarily not working and I was trying to impress my brother - it worked.

Edited by calista at 4:04 pm, Wed 11 Sep

calista - 2019-09-11 16:01:00

I cook most my roasts from frozen, crock pot on high. I never remember to take from them from the freezer the day before

rainrain1 - 2019-09-13 09:45:00

I agree with rainrain1 I never defrost for the Crock-Pot or the oven. I cook them longer overall and higher initially before turning the temperature back.

bisloy - 2019-09-13 23:43:00
rainrain1 wrote:

I cook most my roasts from frozen, crock pot on high. I never remember to take from them from the freezer the day before

I forget too and always seem to work fine though I would rather cook longer rather than high if I could if the time isn't available then high is next best choice. But I do think properly thawed is better from the point of view of better texture and moistness if only marginally.

I get frozen roasts out up to a week prior in a properly cold fridge this works fine and is perfectly safe.

beaker59 - 2019-09-14 15:44:00

You are too organized for me beaker59, It's not very often I plan ahead for a roast, but good on you. I suppose you could say I'm a spur of the moment cook, high takes ages in my crock pot from frozen, I have it worked out down to a fine art though.

rainrain1 - 2019-09-14 17:21:00

I also cook my roasts from frozen, for a bit longer than if defrosted. I think they come out better than when defrosted. Particularly pork - always beautiful and moist!

p1glet - 2019-09-17 19:52:00
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