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Small town museums?


Some small town NZ museums seem to be struggling. Several questions. We were wondering what should they concentrate on? When you go to a small town local (NZ) museum, what do you want to see?

Digital records (ie photos, genealogies, local stories on computers)? Physical objects?

What are the best small town NZ museums you've seen?

mrelijah - 2019-09-05 11:15:00

Not a small town but was impressed with the size and scope of the collection of artefacts at Blenheim's museum. Didn't look at genealogical records at the time.

Edited by amasser at 1:22 pm, Thu 5 Sep

amasser - 2019-09-05 13:21:00

We really enjoyed the Thames Museum, it had a wealth of very interesting items. Genealogies and historical documents of local or family interest we don't find particularly rivetting if they don't relate specifically to us.

morticia - 2019-09-05 13:41:00
amasser wrote:

Not a small town but was impressed with the size and scope of the collection of artefacts at Blenheim's museum. Didn't look at genealogical records at the time.

Amazing isn't it, they have an online website too

crab2 - 2019-09-05 15:07:00

Lawrence and Arrowtown, both wonderful.

cas82 - 2019-09-05 15:38:00

Good visual displays that tell a story and helpful volunteers (since they usually don't have much in the way of staff!) that know interesting things and are enthusiastic about their museum and area. And a good catalogue of what they have out the back that I might be interested in, that they're happy to bring out if I get in touch in advance.

And since I've had my daughter, some hands-on things she can have a play with or climb over!

rednicnz - 2019-09-05 21:13:00

Not totally on question or reply regarding original post, but as a lover of history and cemeteries which I have written about for our early Settlers Museum, I would love to find a small town wanting help with cemetery and history. In exchange I would give my time, skills and abilities for just local accommodation. I have cleaned and tendered many graves over the years. And although it might sound an unusual pastime I don't find it as such. Full of peoples family history hence making it too me at least more than just interesting. I would love to find and area with a number of 'sub' areas that could/would consider this as an option. Love gardening and happy doing some maintenance in exchange for cheap or free long term rental Sorry currently only willing to relocate within South Island Any suggestion's or communities feel free to contact me by simply posting a message of interesting and I'll post a listing suitable to reply to (not selling my soul) lol

anne1955 - 2019-09-07 21:29:00

I'm a tech head and work in the industry, but I like to see physical objects (from the era) and photos telling a story. I like it when there is a lot to look at, and not some massively blown up photo and one object in front like a lot of the modern museums seem to be going. Yes, people are time poor these days, but I go to the museums to view history, and the more the better..
Having their archive digital on a computer so people can come in and do 'further' research is great though.
But if I'm visiting an area with a small museum, I just want to browse physical objects and photos from the local area.

If it's all going to be digital photos on computers, then they may as well just put it online and I'll view from home :-)

aaronat - 2019-09-08 12:57:00

not everyone is able to physically go to the museum so having it online is a bonus for them

Edited by crab2 at 5:34 pm, Sun 8 Sep

crab2 - 2019-09-08 17:34:00

I went to an open day at the Helensville Museum and was quite taken by the physical demonstrations showing children how to do tasks from doing laundry with a pedal washer and blue bag to making griddle scones.

deboron - 2019-09-10 06:31:00

Featherston Heritage Museum. WW1 &WW2 information.
Featherston Fell Engine Museum. both next to each other!

Eketahuna Museum used to be good. havent been back for a few years.
Pahiatua Museum good.

One can get contact details off Te Papa Website where museums are etc..

Te Papa Museum in Wellington is great..

neich - 2019-09-15 19:08:00

Small museums can ask for help from National Services at Te Papa. They can also ask for grants up to $1000 called Helping Hand Grants which can be used to print brochures, buy archival boxes etc.

rockerdog - 2020-01-12 09:42:00
mrelijah wrote:

Some small town NZ museums seem to be struggling. Several questions. We were wondering what should they concentrate on? When you go to a small town local (NZ) museum, what do you want to see?

Digital records (ie photos, genealogies, local stories on computers)? Physical objects?

What are the best small town NZ museums you've seen?

The best thing small provincial museums can do is concentrate on the activities of the people who first settled the districts, photographs included, diagrams, artifacts, copies of local newspapers. Also, a well researched index of names in various local publications both public and private, photographs of groups hopefully annotated, protected but still available to peruse. People steal things, security must be good. It all costs money. Raise money locally, through clubs, donations, open days, apply for grants locally and from central government. Involve the local school children.

jhan - 2020-01-13 16:03:00

I recommend folk seeing Cobblestones in Greytown. on the Main St South end.. old buildings, school. church. cottage etc... well worth a visit all ages.

neich - 2020-01-15 18:48:00

when I was assisting in Carterton District Historical Society we gathered as much information we could on early settlers, I am continuing this on my own at home to donate to Wairarapa Archives in Masterton eventually, I ask actual descendants for information, starting at the local Clareville Cemetery! love learning about the early settlers from all countries..

neich - 2020-01-15 18:51:00

The Kauri Museum at Matakohe, the Dargaville Museum (on the hill), Reefton Mining Museum (Blacks Point) and the Coaltown Museum in Westport as well as the Hokitika Museum are all worth visiting.

ironthrone990 - 2020-01-15 19:24:00
neich wrote:

Te Papa Museum in Wellington is great..

Te Papa is not a museum, it's an 'exhibition' space.

eaglefan - 2020-01-16 10:02:00
eaglefan wrote:

Te Papa is not a museum, it's an 'exhibition' space.

Yes, I was so disappointed when I went there. I suppose I was comparing it to Auckland museum where they have a library etc, not the one they have now, the old one.

jhan - 2020-01-16 10:24:00

Ditto on Te Papa. With its budget and staff, you could hope for better.

amasser - 2020-01-16 10:26:00

The "Heritage Rescue" series when it was on telly (Choice) 2-3 years back was interesting.

We found it good and gave some insight into small museums, challenges they face etc. I can't find any repeats available, only the original trailer on YouTube but it did make it clear that many small museums are definitely worth a second look.

Edited by cookee_nz at 8:39 am, Sat 18 Jan

cookee_nz - 2020-01-18 08:34:00
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