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Repairing headstones


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chch1755 - 2019-09-04 19:04:00

Contact the cemetery management as they may have certain conditions you need to adhere to. Also they will know of who would repair it.

nandag - 2019-09-04 19:24:00

The local monumental mason will know what's required and what they're able to do and then tell you how much!

rednicnz - 2019-09-05 21:15:00

is it covered by insurance??

kiwiwendy - 2019-09-05 21:26:00
kiwiwendy wrote:

is it covered by insurance??

Unlikely; most policies only cover at the home and temporarily removed from the home

tjholding - 2019-09-06 09:48:00

Some of the really big old headstones weigh hundreds of kg's and require lifting equipment. Old Woodville cemetery required many repairs after a large earthquake, most were lifted back up and glued with a compound that dried like concrete but was a whiteish color.

I have seen some fallen large headstones that have been placed on a concrete or plaster sloping pad and remaine lying down so they won't fall again. Perhaps look around at some other repairs in the cemetery to get some ideas.

wenpen - 2019-09-06 11:07:00

I tried to get permission to do same to family headstones in ChCh after the quakes Wasn't even allowed to move one that had fallen onto our family plot and ours onto theirs Yet some years ago in Alexandra we got permission to do new surrounds and put our own headstone up so different strokes for different councils Lifting gear isn't to hard to borrow Most car engine lifters are fine for certain things and weights and we had them and chCh council wouldn't even allows ours to be returned to our site let alone anything else Yes I fully understand safety but if it's only moving ?? All a matter of some councils just wanting the money and / or their backhanders for such Both Kaikoura and ChCh should have more understanding and maybe just a charge to health and safety to be onside while this is done, after application on how one plans to do it is passed Bloody sad really.

anne1955 - 2019-09-07 21:14:00

I understand the council not allowing people other than contractors who know what they are doing reinstating headstones. You might think it is only about your safety moving it, but then surely you would be liable if it fell in future and wounded or killed someone.

koru67 - 2019-09-08 07:59:00

Have you tried contacting the Kaikoura District Council, they'll have policies and procedures in place to cover this sort of activity and will be happy to provide you with a list of monumental masons as well. You may also wish to contact a local funeral director, for their advice too.

ironthrone990 - 2019-09-08 12:38:00

See assistance from a reliable source like a Stonemason please... its an expensive job to get the headstones restored, but worth it.. several have been restored here at Clareville off late.

neich - 2019-09-15 19:11:00
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