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mince cook or throw away


So saturday thawed packet of mince dec not to use and put in the fridge
Would it still be alright to cook up monday

dadtofive - 2019-09-01 23:04:00

Do the "sniff" test - if it smells "off", it probably is, as it appears it was sitting out of the fridge to thaw, and then returned to the fridge (not exactly best practice...).

When it's off, no amount of flavour additives will save that "off' taste, not to mention the potential health risks....

autumnwinds - 2019-09-01 23:29:00

Still be OK Thursday.

blueviking - 2019-09-02 06:49:00

It will be fine or you could just refreeze it.

oramac - 2019-09-02 07:57:00
oramac wrote:

It will be fine or you could just refreeze it.

Only refreeze if you cook it first. Don't refreeze raw meat.

holly-rocks - 2019-09-02 09:11:00

thanks for your answers i will look at it later and see what it looks like.
I know it was defrosted in micowave so depending on how long they did it might have maybe part cooked it if so i will pro chuck it .

dadtofive - 2019-09-02 10:09:00

throw it away yuck! if the use before date is december, then its most likely off

teakiawa - 2019-09-04 01:43:00

This message was deleted.

5minwonder - 2019-09-04 02:22:00
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