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Was given 1.5kg muesli!!


I don't eat muesli but was given this (long story) and thought I might make some protein bars or something like that. Anyone got any nice recipes for a slice or biscuit etc? Don't want anything with lots of sugar.

jan2242 - 2019-08-31 09:33:00

Great for crumble topping! Make bars using honey - use the rice bubble slice recipe?

bisloy - 2019-08-31 13:56:00

This post is from another thread, and there may be other suitable recipes in these links:
I found a couple of great sites yesterday with lots of healthy bliss type ball and slice recipes. You could make them into bars rather than balls. The wholfoodsimple one is very good with varying types of free living recipes. LInks below:

Quoted by nauru (143 positive feedback) 4:02 pm, Tue 26 Mar #2

Also, if you Google "protein bars using muesli" there are a number of great looking recipes pop up there....

Edited by autumnwinds at 4:11 pm, Sat 31 Aug

autumnwinds - 2019-08-31 16:09:00
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