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Hi all,
Rather a bit of a dumb ar$e at this genealogy thing.I have started a Family Tree build on but a distant rellie says that she cannot see it? As far as i know i have set thing on Public though i have made private my birthdate private for security reasons.I have 243 entries on the Tree.

Can someone help, please don't get too technical, dummy speak please.

Edited by axelvonduisberg at 11:12 am, Thu 29 Aug

axelvonduisberg - 2019-08-29 11:10:00

have you shared your tree to invite her

grannie6 - 2019-08-30 21:18:00

No i did not have the rellies address, as i was not aware of who she was, as she is a Cousin 4 times removed.
I raised a question in Discussion, and the rellie was interested in my query and looked for the relationship.

axelvonduisberg - 2019-08-31 15:53:00
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