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Wouldn't this be a great job? Gene-detective


nbrob - 2019-08-28 20:47:00

It must feel like the best job in the world at times.

koru67 - 2019-08-29 07:09:00

Yep I'd love it, just recently a few months after my Step Grandmother passed and because my Mum had passed her share was split between me and my 2 sisters, we got another surprise to find out that a few months prior grandmother's death her only brother also passed and as his wife had passed and as there were no children we got that share as well, it was such a lovely surprise so you never know what is around any corner

Edited by crab2 at 12:17 pm, Thu 29 Aug

crab2 - 2019-08-29 12:17:00

I've heard a woman who did it here in New Zealand talk about it. But she didn't get paid for it...

rednicnz - 2019-08-31 21:50:00
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