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Cause of death


Years ago my husband's grandad (now passed) showed me two photos, one of himself at age three and a matching one of his sister. He told me that she died at aged 12. I asked what happened and was told he didnt know, she went to hospital and never came home. I know her full name and date of death and where she is buried. Is there any way to fin out the cause of death without paying for a death certificate at this point please?

lstarl - 2019-08-27 10:42:00

If the death was before 1950, there may be something here:

Sometimes (but not usually) the online council burial records include the cause of death.

Does grandad-in-law have any sisters or brothers who might know? Ditto his cousins.

Edited by stock at 11:00 am, Tue 27 Aug

stock - 2019-08-27 11:00:00
lstarl wrote:

Is there any way to fin out the cause of death without paying for a death certificate at this point please?

If you do resort to getting the death registration, go for the printout option $25 rather than the typed transcribed "legal official" "certificate" $33.

stock - 2019-08-27 11:03:00

How many years ago and what hospital??

wenpen - 2019-08-27 12:47:00
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