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Thomas and Annie (nee Heaton) Mason


I have been looking on Immigration lists to find French Canadians Thomas 1842) and Annie (1850) Mason, who emigrated from Canada (or from UK??).
they were married in Wentworth Ontario c 1867.
Can't seem to find them arriving in Bluff.

nat103 - 2019-08-26 10:23:00

Immigration can be hard if you don't know the name of the ship!

They may have arrived anywhere in New Zealand or Australia! And then traveled on to Bluff. When do records for them start in NZ so you have a time frame to be looking in?

rednicnz - 2019-08-26 11:02:00

I've done this family, my children are related to them

crab2 - 2019-08-26 11:04:00

They arrived on the Adamant in Bluff on the 4th December 1875 and Annie was pregnant with Twins(only 1 registered at birth on bmd), born at sea a few days out of Bluff, one of them died aged 2 months in Jan 1876...I have an extensive tree on this family and broke down quite a few brickwalls

Edited by crab2 at 11:27 am, Mon 26 Aug

crab2 - 2019-08-26 11:18:00
nat103 wrote:

I have been looking on Immigration lists to find French Canadians Thomas 1842) and Annie (1850) Mason, who emigrated from Canada (or from UK??).
they were married in Wentworth Ontario c 1867.
Can't seem to find them arriving in Bluff.

are you related to them

crab2 - 2019-08-26 12:20:00

Hello crab2,
WOW!! Yes they are my great grandparents, my grandmother is Jeannette (Janet) Louisa, married Thomas Albert Barker, my mother Margaret Jeannette Todd (nee Barker)
I've heard there were twins born at sea, and just this morning found Lily's death notice in Papers Past. she died of burns aged 14 1/2 .
How amazing!! Thanks for your help :)

nat103 - 2019-08-26 12:40:00

then your related to my kids lol I'm going to contact you via your listing

crab2 - 2019-08-26 12:43:00

The Adamant's manifest:

Lilly is aged 1 4/12.
Image 1 includes some dates.

stock - 2019-08-26 20:32:00

Thomas being a carpenter came through the family line as my kids grandfather made toys for all the grandchildren

crab2 - 2019-08-26 20:46:00

Thanks stock and crab2!
Don't think the carpentry gene reached this side of the family!! :)

nat103 - 2019-08-27 18:12:00
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