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After a boar hunt


I have two back legs of a young wild boar to deal with, I don't want to roll and stuff any as already have some all done. What do you recommend I do with them apart from a large roast, which then will probably will end up with heaps of cold meat which I don't want either. Some ideas would be great thanks.

rainrain1 - 2019-08-20 17:56:00

Invite the neighbours & friends around & put down a hangi ..I'm free that day, for the feast part.
I'll bring the salads...give me a few hours warning to prepare & travel!

Edited by samanya at 6:48 pm, Tue 20 Aug

samanya - 2019-08-20 18:45:00

* Bung it in a cooking bag and roast it (some onion and/or garlic in there too).
* Cook in a slow cooker, add pineapple pieces too. Eat what you can, then freeze the rest for another meal, or for a curry, or cut up small and make a meat pie.

* Make into salami (or have someone do it for you).
Did I mention that I enjoy a nice meal of wild pork? I can bring some home made buns, and some bevvies.
ps. I forgot about making some into sausages too.

Edited by gettinggrey at 7:40 pm, Tue 20 Aug

gettinggrey - 2019-08-20 19:37:00

Boil up.

beaker59 - 2019-08-20 19:59:00

Be quite nice to have you all over...thanks for the ideas, I will definitely try the oven bag, onions and garlic

rainrain1 - 2019-08-20 20:08:00
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