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What to do with humble sausages for tea tonight?


Im looking for something different. Any ideas?

vomo2 - 2019-08-20 13:57:00

This is a handy recipe to have, well worth making for a change.

1lb sausages
1 medium onion chopped
1 large carrot grated
Brown the sausages, and put in casserole dish with onion and carrot.

Mix to a paste
2 Tblsp flour
4 Tblsp tomato sauce
1 dessertsp sugar
1 tsp curry powder
2 cups boiling water
Pour over sausages and vegetables and cook.

rainrain1 - 2019-08-20 14:13:00

Toad in the hole?
curried sausages? with sultanas and apple

articferrit - 2019-08-20 14:42:00
rainrain1 wrote:

This is a handy recipe to have, well worth making for a change.

1lb sausages
1 medium onion chopped
1 large carrot grated
Brown the sausages, and put in casserole dish with onion and carrot.

Mix to a paste
2 Tblsp flour
4 Tblsp tomato sauce
1 dessertsp sugar
1 tsp curry powder
2 cups boiling water
Pour over sausages and vegetables and cook.

I'm sure I made this at Nelson Intermediate around 1961. Haven't made it since but I will tonight. Thank you

vomo2 - 2019-08-20 15:02:00

Give them to the dog

lilyfield - 2019-08-20 16:40:00

Saute some onions, make gravy and serve.
Or I used to precook them a bit, then slice lengthways, and layer with onions, tomatoes and bacon and top with mash, crisp the mash. A sort of pie I guess you'd call it.

lythande1 - 2019-08-20 17:34:00

Squeeze them out of the skin and make a pasta sauce. Use tinned tomatoes, fresh or dried rosemary, maybe some other veges if you have them - mushrooms, spinach, zucchini. Brown the sausage meat, drain off any excess fat, add rest of ingredients, simmer until saucy and delicious. Serve with pasta. Yum!

lulu-belle1 - 2019-08-21 08:02:00

Was years ago so don't know the recipe - used Maggi Tomato Soup mix to cook in pot. Sausages swelled to large and was very tasty.

amasser - 2019-08-22 11:36:00

Slice your sausages into bite size pieces, then dice potatoes, kumara, carrots, parsnips [if you like them] pumpkin, or any other roastable vege, slice onions, and pop all in a roasting dish, add salt and pepper, herbs, or chilli flakes optional, sprinkle with cooking oil, stir around, back 200 d C for 45 mins or so, turning a couple of times. Dinner done. Cook green veges separately. Optional - make them into mini meatballs

Edited by voyager4 at 2:08 pm, Thu 22 Aug

voyager4 - 2019-08-22 14:07:00
rainrain1 wrote:

This is a handy recipe to have, well worth making for a change.

1lb sausages
1 medium onion chopped
1 large carrot grated
Brown the sausages, and put in casserole dish with onion and carrot.

Mix to a paste
2 Tblsp flour
4 Tblsp tomato sauce
1 dessertsp sugar
1 tsp curry powder
2 cups boiling water
Pour over sausages and vegetables and cook.

I have been making this recipe for over 55 years. Was always quick and easy when coming in from the stables and my kids loved it. Still do

glenn-ellyn - 2019-08-22 17:13:00

Sausage and tarragon casserole
1 onion, finely diced, 1 T oil, 8 pork sausages,1+ 1/2 cups hot water, 2 chicken stock cubes, 1 T dried tarragon, 2 T white vinegar 2 T cornflour.
Heat oil in large saucepan, saute onion. Cut sausages into bite-sizes pieces and add to pan. Cook until lightly browned Add water and crumble in stock cubes. add tarragon. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes. Mix white vinegar and cornflour together. Mix into sausages. Bring to the boil and stir until thickened.
-- I usually cook the sausages whole and then cut into pieces and return to the pan. The vinegar with the cornflour gives a lovely tang to the meal
I have also made this using lamb and thyme sausages with 3T of fresh thyme...... Any leftovers I add cooked risoni and vegetables and use as pie filling.

janeny1 - 2019-08-23 02:51:00

Here is one Finely chop one onion, grate one carrot, put with raw sausages in casserole dish and add a sauce of 1tablespoon of sugar, 2 tablespoons of flour, 1 tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce and 2 tablespoons of vinegar. mix all this to a smooth paste and add two cups of boiling water. Pour the entire mixture through a sieve over the sausages and veges. put in oven at 200 for 1 hour. Delicious. I also use this recipe for other meat cuts. Enjoy

blackhonker - 2019-08-25 12:11:00

I've cooked this before and instead of using mice I used sausages by making sausage balls out of them

petal1955 - 2019-08-26 10:12:00
petal1955 wrote:

I've cooked this before and instead of using mice I used sausages by making sausage balls out of them

Thank god for that!!

rainrain1 - 2019-08-26 11:45:00
blackhonker wrote:

Here is one Finely chop one onion, grate one carrot, put with raw sausages in casserole dish and add a sauce of 1tablespoon of sugar, 2 tablespoons of flour, 1 tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce and 2 tablespoons of vinegar. mix all this to a smooth paste and add two cups of boiling water. Pour the entire mixture through a sieve over the sausages and veges. put in oven at 200 for 1 hour. Delicious. I also use this recipe for other meat cuts. Enjoy

Is that a sort of barbeque flavour ?

karlymouse - 2019-08-26 12:05:00

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malcovy - 2019-08-26 14:07:00

Sort off karlymouse it is a family recipe we have used for years and we called it golden sausages.

blackhonker - 2019-08-26 14:56:00
petal1955 wrote:

I've cooked this before and instead of using mice I used sausages by making sausage balls out of them

So what are your favourite mice recipes?

Edited by buzzy110 at 3:12 pm, Mon 26 Aug

buzzy110 - 2019-08-26 15:12:00

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snoopy221 - 2019-08-26 15:19:00

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snoopy221 - 2019-08-26 15:20:00
buzzy110 wrote:

So what are your favourite mice recipes?

I prefer my mice barbecued. With chilli sauce. Similar to how Heston does his.

PS - watch at your own risk.

fey - 2019-08-26 15:21:00

Fey! I couldn't knowingly eat something that had paws. Not mice, guinea pigs, rabbit, possum, cat nor dog ect.

keithellett - 2019-08-26 15:33:00
blackhonker wrote:

Sort off karlymouse it is a family recipe we have used for years and we called it golden sausages.

Thanks... I found an old hand written recipe in my mothers recipes called baked steak and you mixed a paste similar to this over top side steak and baked it and it tasted sort of like barbeque sauce for nowadays...

karlymouse - 2019-08-26 16:33:00

Fry them then slice the tops and fill with cheese /tomato and put under the grill

cottagerose - 2019-08-26 16:36:00
blackhonker wrote:

Sort off karlymouse it is a family recipe we have used for years and we called it golden sausages.

We used to have golden sausages as kids to and I think that is the recipe mum used it was the carrot that coloured it I think I used to like it so will have to try your recipe for a trip down memory lane ! Thanks

timturtle - 2019-08-26 18:49:00
keithellett wrote:

Fey! I couldn't knowingly eat something that had paws. Not mice, guinea pigs, rabbit, possum, cat nor dog ect.

It wasn't the paws that got me, it was the eyes and the tails!!

fey - 2019-08-27 06:55:00
fey wrote:

It wasn't the paws that got me, it was the eyes and the tails!!

Yeah. I always remove those when I cook my mice. I save the tails for mice tail rice risotto.

buzzy110 - 2019-08-27 08:37:00
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