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Death registration query


Hi everyone,

I'm doing some research and have a death registration of 1945/XXXXX. However, the person died in January 1946. Is it possible for someone who died in 1946 to have a death registration beginning 1945? Just wanting to sense check.

Thanks in advance.

opencast - 2019-08-09 22:38:00
opencast wrote:

Is it possible for someone who died in 1946 to have a death registration beginning 1945?

Unlikely, or at least very unusual.
Transcription error of the date at BDM?
What was your source for 1946? A burial record might be in error. A memorial headstone might be in error or transcribed wrongly.
You can refine the date in BDM's system by gradually whittling down the range of dates.

Edited by stock at 10:59 pm, Fri 9 Aug

stock - 2019-08-09 22:57:00

Date of death is verified through various sources so am 99% confident it's correct. Whittling down the dates in the BDM system confirms the same date; I very much love that we can do this here ;).

It is a military record so I wonder if they just used a 1945/xxx registration for all deaths post 1945 as they were resolved in our systems a long time after cessation of hostilities. They were using 1945/xxxx for 1944 and earlier deaths. Maybe a question for BDM in Wellington perhaps?

opencast - 2019-08-09 23:09:00

The member deleted this message.

nbrob - 2019-08-09 23:45:00

The member deleted this message.

stock - 2019-08-10 11:12:00

If it was a WW2 death

War death - 1918 and 1945 - Register of Deaths out of New Zealand of Members of Expeditionary Forces and Other

Name and surname
Usual occupation
Usual place of residence (in New Zealand)
Sex and Age
Where born
Marital status
Military or other rank or rating (if any)
When and where died

Name and Surname of father and mother
Maiden surname of mother
Rank or profession of father
Details of Death

Date of death
Place of death
Place of burial
Cause of death
Proof of death

Name of informant
Description of informant
Residence of informant

Signature of registrar
Date of registration

carbs51 - 2019-08-10 18:21:00
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