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Rolled rib roast


what sort of weight would I need to feed 7-10 people?
I have one in the freezer but not so sure it's going to go around everyone!

accroul - 2019-08-09 12:47:00

It depends on the skill of the carver, but to be on the safe side I would allow 200g per person i.e. 2 kg for 10 people. It also depends on how much fat there is around the roll, if there is a thick layer you will need more meat as most people won't eat the fat.

The last time I catered for a crowd I was astonished at how much meat some guests ate.

davidt4 - 2019-08-09 13:37:00

That was probably our family davidt4. :))

rainrain1 - 2019-08-09 18:12:00

Best to have too much than not enough!! When catering I mean, not so much the eating of it.

Edited by rainrain1 at 6:19 pm, Fri 9 Aug

rainrain1 - 2019-08-09 18:19:00

I did a small rolled roast (guessing 1.7kg frozen) the other night for 9 large eaters (5 teenagers) and put in lots of spuds, pumpkin and parsnip. I also made Yorkshire pudding to go with it. There was plenty. Make a good size pudding too and you've got it sussed. Look at your overall volume - as long as there are a couple of slices of meat each, the rest will fill them up. This is coming from a family of big meat eaters!

bisloy - 2019-08-13 08:58:00
davidt4 wrote:

It depends on the skill of the carver, but to be on the safe side I would allow 200g per person i.e. 2 kg for 10 people. It also depends on how much fat there is around the roll, if there is a thick layer you will need more meat as most people won't eat the fat.

The last time I catered for a crowd I was astonished at how much meat some guests ate.

the fat is the best bit! lol

pussy01 - 2019-08-13 21:42:00
pussy01 wrote:

the fat is the best bit! lol

Haha agree!

antoniab - 2019-08-18 10:24:00

I cut and rolled a roast yesterday from the tip end of a whole rump (took it out of plastic bag first and hung in chiller for a week) I added garlic and pesto to the middle then the fat I trimmed from the cap was tied to the bare parts once rolled to protect the meat when cooking its sitting in fridge now I'll cook it Monday or Tuesday but only long enough so the garlic looses its raw taste :) not that that worries me undercooked garlic wouldn't be a bad thing in our house of colds.

This one is about 1.5 Kg and should be enough for 4 and cold cuts leftover for lunches next day.

It cost $11.98 Kg for the meat so the whole rump was $64.00 I got that roast and a huge pile of steaks all now free flow frozen. which is good for our come and go household in that you can get just enough steaks out for that meal.

beaker59 - 2019-08-18 14:03:00
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