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Leek & potato soup


I guess this would just be leeks, potato, onion, maybe chicken stock, bit of curry..anything else.
just want it to be quick and easy

korbo - 2019-08-06 20:17:00
korbo wrote:

I guess this would just be leeks, potato, onion, maybe chicken stock, bit of curry..anything else.
just want it to be quick and easy

korbo , this recipe is an oldie that I’ve made several times, it’s very easy as well as tasty.

100 grams butter
1 lge tbsp green herb stock powder
1 lge tbsp chicken stock powder
1 onion chopped
2 leeks sliced
8 - 10 medium potatoes, diced
water to cover
milk to thin
Melt butter in large pot, add onion, leek and potatoes, cook on medium heat for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then cover with hot water, add stock powders previously mixed in a little warm water. Simmer till potatoes are tender. Blend and add milk if required. Season. Serves 6 - 8

strowan1 - 2019-08-06 21:00:00

thanks..that is lunch sorted.better get cracking

korbo - 2019-08-07 11:20:00

I add a tsp of garlic to mine. I mash with a potato masher when the soup is cooked. You need to be a little careful if using a stick blender as it can turn to paste as there are so many potatoes. I prefer a thicker soup hence mashing rather than blending.

lynja - 2019-08-10 07:01:00

can I do this in a slow cooker .Don't have an oven and never made soup but this sounds good.

success27 - 2019-08-10 14:22:00

success27..... yes you could make this in your slow cooker. And you should always add a teaspoon of sugar to your soup, it makes all the difference. Also to stews and casseroles you should add a spoonful of brown sugar. Sugar to savoury and pinch of salt to sweet.

crazynana - 2019-08-10 17:10:00

my soup was really tasty. will make it again.

korbo - 2019-08-10 20:26:00

The member deleted this message.

korbo - 2019-08-10 20:26:00
success27 wrote:

can I do this in a slow cooker .Don't have an oven and never made soup but this sounds good.

...cant imagine not having an oven. do you have elements, or how do you cook?

korbo - 2019-08-10 20:27:00
success27 wrote:

can I do this in a slow cooker .Don't have an oven and never made soup but this sounds good.

Hi, yes I’m sure you can, it’ll simply take longer, then blend all when cooked, and thin with the milk to how you like it.

korbo - glad you enjoyed it. It’s a favourite here through the winter.

strowan1 - 2019-08-11 09:23:00
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