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Urgent help needed with homemade chicken soup


Hi guys. I have made a huge crock pot of chicken soup but unfortunately have over done the Vegemite flavour. Any ideas how I can down play this.
My ingredients are: chicken, barley, chicken stock, leek, carrot, kumara, parsnip, vegemite, salt & pepper. Tasted lovely yesterday after simmering for 6 hours on low. Today just a final taste test when cold before I have to take to my daughters all I can taste is vegemite. Is it because it is cold? Any ideas please.

seller4 - 2019-08-03 10:34:00

Heat a bit up and see if it changes, is my suggestion. And hopefully someone will come along with a fix. I'd add corn, but doubt it would help with the vegemite taste.

Edited by unknowndisorder at 10:46 am, Sat 3 Aug

unknowndisorder - 2019-08-03 10:44:00

Maybe some brown sugar or golden syrup..

korbo - 2019-08-03 11:00:00

All you can do is dilute it a bit. Add more fresh chicken stock (not powder or cubes) and some raw grated potato, simmer it for five minutes to cook the potato, maybe add some fresh cream as well..

davidt4 - 2019-08-03 11:18:00
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