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Unusual pudding


saw this recipe on a calendar...
3/4 cup lemon juice
1 can condensed milk
4 egg yolks
whisk egg yolks, add cond milk, beat then add lemon juice.
Pour into shortcake base bake 20mins.
I didnt have a base so just put it in a flan dish Baked for 15mins.
Then it said, to cool and place in fridge overnight. take out 30mins before serving, pile whipped cream on top.
will let you know tomorrow how it tasted.
so so easy

korbo - 2019-07-31 13:15:00

It's like a baked cheescake. I've made similar topping recipe with gelatine added for a continental type cheesecake.

nauru - 2019-07-31 17:10:00

It's like a baked cheescake. I've made similar topping recipe with gelatine added for a continental type cheesecake.

nauru - 2019-07-31 17:17:00

Put meringue on top and you haveclemon meringue pie

mica3 - 2019-07-31 18:05:00

This is similar with a base. This recipe is GF and no eggs in it. My daughter loves it.

GF Raspberry Cheesecake Slice

3 cups Almond Meal
1 ½ cup GF Flour
1/3 cup brown sugar
300g butter melted

Put all dry ingredients in a bowl
Add melted butter.
Press into the tin
Bake @ 160°c for 16 minutes


1 cup defrosted Raspberries
1 cup lemon juice
1125g condensed milk

Mix all together
Pour on the base
Bake for 15 minutes 160°c

Edited by marcs at 7:50 pm, Wed 31 Jul

marcs - 2019-07-31 19:49:00

we had this last night. A bit too sour for the young ones.
I think it is more of a summer dessert.
we had cream, fruitsald, and small pavs with it.
will make again but maybe cut back on lemon juice.
Dont thing you could add sugar.??

korbo - 2019-08-02 13:20:00
korbo wrote:

we had this last night. A bit too sour for the young ones.
I think it is more of a summer dessert.
we had cream, fruitsald, and small pavs with it.
will make again but maybe cut back on lemon juice.
Dont thing you could add sugar.??

Sour! Did you use condensed milk or evaporated milk?

buzzy110 - 2019-08-02 15:52:00
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