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Auckland food show


Anyone been yet? Is it worth a visit?

ruby19 - 2019-07-27 09:02:00

If you have never been before I suppose its worth visiting.
Just be warned that it gets really, really busy.

anarot - 2019-07-27 09:15:00

Yes have been before but just pondering if I go alone tomorrow. Previously been on the Thur opening day. Haven't heard any feed back this year good or bad!

ruby19 - 2019-07-27 12:46:00

Same as most years, but some things not as cheap. But could be cause I normally go on the last day.

Got a few tastes, busy as per usual. Bit pricy to get in now but if you want to fill in a morning...

christin - 2019-07-27 13:50:00

Things that are there most years like silver fern farms nor as cheap. Sausage usually $5 a pack from were more this time, got them cheaper stuff factory shop of $2-4 a pack before they closed :-(

I skip all coffee or wine stalls so not as much for me as some people

Edited by christin at 1:52 pm, Sat 27 Jul

christin - 2019-07-27 13:52:00
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