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UK Wills - price reduction


UK wills - used to be 10 Pounds each - now 1 Pound 50 Pence :)
(searches are free)

NOTE: If you can't find a will in the year of death for your person, look ahead up to several years. I had one that didn't go to Probate for 6 years

Edited by marymc at 6:29 pm, Wed 24 Jul

marymc - 2019-07-24 18:28:00

Great information. Thanks mary.

koru67 - 2019-07-25 07:15:00

That's a bargain! Thanks!

And remember to pick the middle tab for old wills! I've spent a lot of time searching where I won't get any results on the first tab!

rednicnz - 2019-07-25 11:33:00

Just got another 5 ordered. Makes a big difference money wise. Got 3 at$10. A couple of weeks ago

hymac - 2019-07-27 19:08:00

Anyone actually had the wills provided that they have ordered? I ordered some on the 27th July, still nothing fulfilled yet. Have tried to contact, but again, nothing. If others are waiting too, I'll just be patient. :-)

Edited by aaronat at 8:50 pm, Wed 28 Aug

aaronat - 2019-08-28 20:50:00

Aaronat - I was about to ask the very same question! I ordered end of July, they promised 12 August and I'm still waiting. I've emailed and the auto reply said we'll get back to you within two days - that was about 7 days ago.

I know it's only £1.50 but I would still like to get what I paid for.

daisy86 - 2019-08-29 16:00:00

I hope it wasn't a Nigerian site.

nbrob - 2019-08-29 16:16:00
nbrob wrote:

I hope it wasn't a Nigerian site.

LOL - the Nigerians would have written to me by now to say my Gt Gt Grandfather had left me at £650,000,000 in his will.

daisy86 - 2019-08-29 20:49:00

They must be getting swamped with requests and werent ready to handle it! :-)

Edited by aaronat at 8:15 am, Fri 30 Aug

aaronat - 2019-08-30 08:15:00

Had 5 ordered on 27 July received 1.

Ordered 2 births (pdf) and got them in 2 days!! Wonder if theyare doing them

hymac - 2019-08-30 15:12:00

If you click on the banner that says "feedback" the email address is something at "Iron Mountain". From that I'm guessing the wills have to come out of storage to be accessed.

daisy86 - 2019-08-30 20:26:00

I just got this email:
"Dear Customer,
We are experiencing very high demand for copies of wills, which means it is taking us significantly longer than usual to provide copies requested via
We are sorry for the inconvenience and the frustration that this delay is causing.
Please be assured that we have your request and understand how important this is to you.
Kind Regards,
Sabrina Tariq "

aaronat - 2019-08-31 10:14:00

Still havent received anything. Crazy...

aaronat - 2019-09-24 19:58:00

Ditto!!No doubt there was a LOT more applications. Especialy at that price. They probably got "caught out " on the increase.

Edited by hymac at 10:44 am, Wed 25 Sep

hymac - 2019-09-25 10:43:00

Meanwhile a Gt Gt Grand daughter waits and wonders where her £650,000,000 is.

daisy86 - 2019-09-25 11:02:00

Wow!! Would you believe it . 2 of mine have turned up this morning. What a LOT of info in one of them .

hymac - 2019-10-05 10:14:00

Ooooh goody Hymac - I'll be sitting by my emails all day in anticipation!

My mystery is why did my Gt Gt Grandfather leave everything to someone outside of the family when he still has a wife and children alive. I'm hoping the Will will shed some light on this.

daisy86 - 2019-10-05 14:04:00

Mine were ordered on 27 July so maybe yours are "in the mail"

Might take longer for the $650,000,000 to come!!


hymac - 2019-10-05 16:09:00


Got my final 3 this morning. Have to look for some more now I guess

Edited by hymac at 8:51 am, Wed 9 Oct

hymac - 2019-10-09 08:51:00

And another I had forgotten about came today.

hymac - 2019-10-16 12:19:00

Got mine too - the email was in the junk box. Gt Gt Granddad was nearly a millionaire. He left £455 in 1928. Not bad for a hard working coal miner.

daisy86 - 2019-10-16 18:40:00
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