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Changing Providers


I've been a member of My Heritage for years and years but I am rapidly going off them (tired of trying to merge three different sites I've been enabled to create). I think I want to download all my hard work to a Gedcom file (?) and jump ship to which I've heard is better.

Can anyone tell me- given that most of my history is in the U.K. whether it's best therefore to head to the Australian or U.K version of Ancestry? Plus, any hints of safely extricating myself from My Heritage without losing precious data?

Edited by johnhb at 8:07 pm, Mon 15 Jul

johnhb - 2019-07-15 20:06:00

use the UK version as you can get a discounted sub....

Edited by crab2 at 7:56 am, Tue 16 Jul

crab2 - 2019-07-16 07:56:00

If some of your ancestors went to USA or even Canada, it might pay to get one that includes USA. However I would be inclined in your case to start with the UK version. I too originally was with Heritage - they have gone down hill rapidly of recent times. Today I got a photo purportedly to be that of my gggrandmother. They are wrong and it is her granddaughter of the same name! This also happened with another gggrandmother - the photo is nothing like her when compared with a photo I have - only possibility it could be her mother. Capricorngirl

mlarkin - 2019-07-16 09:16:00
crab2 wrote:

use the UK version as you can get a discounted sub....[

for the discounted price I would go for the World sub just in case they did go overseas like mlarkin mentions

Edited by crab2 at 9:25 am, Tue 16 Jul

crab2 - 2019-07-16 09:25:00

Thinking about it more, I would be inclined to go to the nearest library that has Ancestry and try it out, using the research you already have done. Capricorngirl

mlarkin - 2019-07-16 13:54:00

Oh heck I've just got a 6month sub with Ancestry $176.00 NZ dollars. But Thank You crab2 I will know for next time.

westie128 - 2019-07-16 13:57:00

bugga westie just make sure you cancel the one you've got in a couple of months so when the time comes up to renew you can do it but let it expire first

crab2 - 2019-07-16 14:04:00
johnhb wrote:

I've been a member of My Heritage for years and years but I am rapidly going off them (tired of trying to merge three different sites I've been enabled to create). I think I want to download all my hard work to a Gedcom file (?) and jump ship to which I've heard is better.

Can anyone tell me- given that most of my history is in the U.K. whether it's best therefore to head to the Australian or U.K version of Ancestry? Plus, any hints of safely extricating myself from My Heritage without losing precious data?

If you don't want to lose your hard work, make up and download a GEDCOM file of your data and load it into a Genealogy programme on your PC. MyHeritage will not let you delete your data, nor will they let you access it if you close your account or not pay your renewal subs. I found this out the hard way.

I very reluctantly paid another years subs so I could access my data and did what I suggest above. I have no faith in either of the two companies you mention. Ancestry is predominantly LDS; MyHeritage is a close 2nd to it. Majority of their dates and records are not correct as I have found.

When you close your account with MH, you can bet they will ring you and try to get you to re-join, they did that to me.

guyh - 2019-07-16 22:12:00
guyh wrote:

If you don't want to lose your hard work, make up and download a GEDCOM file of your data and load it into a Genealogy programme on your PC. MyHeritage will not let you delete your data, nor will they let you access it if you close your account or not pay your renewal subs. I found this out the hard way.

I very reluctantly paid another years subs so I could access my data and did what I suggest above. I have no faith in either of the two companies you mention. Ancestry is predominantly LDS; MyHeritage is a close 2nd to it. Majority of their dates and records are not correct as I have found.

When you close your account with MH, you can bet they will ring you and try to get you to re-join, they did that to me.

remove your phone number from you contact details if you can and in future just put in 0000000

crab2 - 2019-07-17 10:14:00
guyh wrote:

I have no faith in either of the two companies you mention. Ancestry is predominantly LDS; MyHeritage is a close 2nd to it. Majority of their dates and records are not correct as I have found.

Ancestry has nothing to do with the LDS anymore - it's owned by a bunch of venture capitalists - who are not genealogists. The quality of trees is pretty bad everywhere. However, if you're looking at records, Ancestry do have some interesting and correct records - it's just attaching them to the right people that seems to be the problem!

johnhb, it's best to see if Ancestry have the records you need. They don't have full coverage of England. FindMyPast has Lincolnshire and Devon for example and a sub there might be more worthwhile (they also do trees). FamilySearch also have an increasing number of records you can access for free. It does depend on when and where you're looking.

rednicnz - 2019-07-17 18:15:00
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