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How to get a frittata that looks like the ones you get in the cafés? The egg in them is firm with no signs of bubbling and the edges are smooth.

1zw - 2019-07-15 01:22:00

Flip it

rainrain1 - 2019-07-15 08:29:00

Ii cook it for a time on the stove top then finish off in the oven. I have a great square pan that does the job for me.

jan2242 - 2019-07-15 09:44:00
jan2242 wrote:

Ii cook it for a time on the stove top then finish off in the oven. .


buzzy110 - 2019-07-15 11:51:00

It can look amazing and very perfectly pretty but taste like nothing. Throw in anything you have left over and have a taste explosion - disregard how pretty or not it looks. Fritatta is very popular in my household of coeliacs. Easy to cook, uses up leftovers, incredibly tasty, easy to take to school and work but the appearance of it doesnt matter one iota.

norse_westie - 2019-07-15 15:20:00
1zw wrote:

How to get a frittata that looks like the ones you get in the cafés? The egg in them is firm with no signs of bubbling and the edges are smooth.

I suspect that the "frittatas" you are thinking of are not the original Italian style but are thickened with flour to bulk them out and make them look tidy. Not sure why you want to make this kind as they don't taste very good.

davidt4 - 2019-07-15 16:26:00

I just cook on the,stove with a lid on.

unknowndisorder - 2019-07-15 17:42:00

Ok thanks for the tips. I have been cooking mine only in the oven and they come out with the egg firm but porous-looking - like it has tiny air bubbles trapped in it. I only just beat the eggs enough to blend.
I'll try cooking it on the stove top first, then finishing off in the oven.

1zw - 2019-07-17 01:39:00

Grate parmesan or tasty cheese over the top before cooking and don't use too many eggs, beat them well so there is no white left then add lots and lots of other ingredients until you have a firm mixture - vegetables, potato, meat, etc. so the egg is just basically a binder.

sarahb5 - 2019-07-21 10:45:00
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